Pretty much right there in the title, with a few twists.
So, I found this game and introduced it to my group. They seemed to like the idea of playing as themselves in a zombie apocalypse, so we're looking to get a campaign going sometime when we finish up the current one we're running.
Then something occured to me. We live in Sweden, and while the game makes locations and encounters generic enough to easily adapt to our cold north and it offers a somewhat novel perspective on the zombie apocalypse, there is one thing I'm having a hard time trying to incorporate. That'd be the the lack of the great equalizer; guns.
In Sweden, guns are pretty much soley the domain of police, military and hunters. You get the odd collector and sports shooter, but in the former its often required that you remove the firing pin (or whatever the word is for that little thing that ignites the powder). Most stores will not sell guns and/or ammo over the counter either as far as I'm aware, so even if you could raid a store chances are you won't be able to get any guns.
So, how do you reckon this will affect survivor interactions once the government collapses? Early on I reckon deserting police and military units will probably be top of the food chain, but when ammo supplies run low and those guns become litteraly empty threats then what?
Anyone got any ideas, maybe run a game in a similar setting? Cause frankly - and blaming US centered zombie fiction - I'm drawing a blank.
Cheers to any replies in advance!