Please Keep Yasuki Dishonor Theme

By HidaKenshiro, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

This is what brought me back to playing L5R after many years.It's a lot of fun please consider keeping it around it.


I whole heartedly agree! I won a kotei and chose to save them. Lets keep the yasuki!

Throwing in my love for Susumu Honor because it is also "People in a Clan doing weird stuff"

Susumu Honor must stay , or they might as well get rid of the Spider Clan altogether, as the theme represents everything the Spider have been trying to do since their inception: slowly subverting the Empire's beliefs until the twisted virtues of Shourido are finally seen by the other Clans as "honorable."

I've never won a Kotei. I've had very little impact on the storyline, my only humble contribution to the Unicorn Clan being a lone point of glory won during the Destroyer War arc. But I was one of the people clamoring for a Susumu Honor theme, as well as an Ide Honor theme for the Unicorn, both of which were finally granted in Ivory. To see these much-desired themes finally realized, only to be torn away with the franchise's transfer, would be a tragedy of Kurosawa proportions.

Edited by MarthWMaster

Realistically, I doubt we will see a lot of themes starting out... And hopefully we will see decks that can run all sorts of themes at once like having Bushi, Courtier and Shugenja that work towards the play style of a given faction.

The game will only be able to offer the "core experience" for each faction (I predict this term will replace "Clan Alignment," much as it has done for Thrones 2.0), for the first year or so. But as the card pool expands, it's reasonable to expect that new themes will slowly begin to emerge.

As much as I loved the Susumu theme, I doubt we will see it anytime soon after the game's inception. I feel like the theme was fan service from the designers and probably wouldn't translate well to the new team at FFG.

Speaking as a man who dearly loved his Henshin and Inquisitor decks...

I wouldn't bank on seeing any "theme" in particular, and particularly not something as off-stereotype as Yasuki economic dishonor. FFG has to design a game. Putting wingnut side themes into the core set seems... unlikely.

Speaking as a man who dearly loved his Henshin and Inquisitor decks...

I wouldn't bank on seeing any "theme" in particular, and particularly not something as off-stereotype as Yasuki economic dishonor. FFG has to design a game. Putting wingnut side themes into the core set seems... unlikely.

no where in my statement did i mention the core set. I don't expect it to be there. I want it show up though at some point.

This is what brought me back to playing L5R after many years.It's a lot of fun please consider keeping it around it.


Hear hear!

As much as I loved the Susumu theme, I doubt we will see it anytime soon after the game's inception. I feel like the theme was fan service from the designers and probably wouldn't translate well to the new team at FFG.

It's possible depending on the design. If they do Warhammer like thing were you are using politics and military to try to take provinces, the Susumu could splash into Spider military as a defensive theme in order to defend them agaisnt politial shenanigens while they kill things, like a political version of the Daidoji. I would be fine with it as long as they show up and can be felt in the game.

Just theory until we get more but it can be done.