Hi all. Unlike most of you--based on what I've seen of the discussion here so far--I don't have any experience with the L5R CCG. But I will definitely be trying out the LCG, because I am a huge fan of FFG's model. With the exception of Warhammer: Invasion, I've played them all to some extent (have dabbled in CoC, LotR, and Netrunner, used to play Star Wars and AGOT 1E seriously, currently play WH40K Conquest and will play AGOT 2E), so I know that, at the very least, I'll be trying out the L5R core when it comes out in two years.
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on good ways to get caught up and introduced to L5R, both in terms of the game itself and the lore. I've read a bit of the wiki so far, but if there are any particularly good ways to introduce myself to the franchise, I'd love some pointers.
Edited by alpha5099