So how many EU legends characters, ships etc is now in Armada (& X-wing)?

By Kiwi Rat, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I can see that Garm Bel Iblis and Isanne Isard, which are EU legends characters, is part of Armada.

So how many more EU legends characters, ships etc is now in Armada and X-wing (like the K-wing)?

Will we eventually see GA Thrawn? Or Captain Pelleon? :) :) :)

And will we see missions or objective cards,that are based on historic EU legends naval encounters?

Evacuation of Hoth, Derra IV etc...???

I think they will add more of those guys though its not a priority. Dont see a reason why not to. Dont forget that Star Wars LCG also have plenty of them.

Garm and Iceheart aren't the only ones from the EU. Screed, and Adar Tallon are both EU characters, and most Armada ships thus far are EU. Victory SDs, Gladiator SDs, and the Assault Frigate are all EU.

Squadron commanders too.

Tycho Celchu: X-wing novels

Howlrunner: Customizable Card Game, and later Star Wars Galaxies

Keyan Farlander: X-wing video game

Rhymer: Customizable Card Game

Baron Fel: X-wing comics

Mauler Mithel: Customizable Card game, Jedi Knights Trading Card Game, Star Wars Galaxies (non-canon appearance)

Garm and Iceheart aren't the only ones from the EU. Screed, and Adar Tallon are both EU characters, and most Armada ships thus far are EU. Victory SDs, Gladiator SDs, and the Assault Frigate are all EU.

Screed and the Victory-class SDs were both made canon by the Tarkin novel.

Squadron commanders too.

Tycho Celchu: X-wing novels

Interesting question. is Tycho EU or not?

He is actually in Return of the Jedi, but isn't named until the EU.

"Some A-wing pilot in the DS2" is in RoTJ - Tycho's name and background are EU though.

Not sure background matters...virtually none of the support characters got any background in the movies. Name is true though, as I said, hence the question.

For all we know, the newcanon will make that A-wing pilot someone completely different - an alien, perhaps.

Star Wars novel Aftermath has named some of the A-wing pilots in Green Squadron, at least - though its not clear if the pilot who followed Wedge & Lando into the DS2, was one - or if they survived.

Armada on the long run is unimaginable without Grand Admiral Thrawn, Captain Pellaeon, Mara Jade, Tallon Karrde, Booster Terrik and others. I think all can be reasonably implemented. Imho.