Hey there!
I'm just wondering how I could get my PCs to fight Dark Eldar in a 1-off Black Crusade adventure to introduce them to the system (the PCs will be 1 telepath and 1 diviner - inspired by the "Apex Twins" ! But they have no attack powers yet for some reason).
I'm thinking Dark Eldar because they don't know anything about them (unlike most of the game's other factions). The trouble is that I don't either
I was thinking that the Dark Eldar would start raiding the orbital station that the PCs are trying to corrupt - it's orbiting a dead world and is months from any kinds of reinforcements, so they could attack any way they want.
So what kind of tactics would Dark Eldar use? I was thinking of having them fight the Children of Thorns Kabal if that's important.
Where can I get stats for them? Would the ones from Only War be too weak or too powerful?
Why could they be attacking?