Playing through the campaign, starting last night and we had a rules clarification question.
In the scenario description, it says that after the 4th Fatigue Token is removed from the Hero playing area (end of 4th round), the Overlord can Reinforce the "Supporting Force" at the Entrance, respecting group limit. This same "Supporting Force" starts the scenario in the Control room with the 3 levers.
In our scenario, the "Supporting Force" is a Master Troll (3P game). If the heroes haven't killed the Troll yet, what happens at the end of round 4? If the heroes HAVE killed the Master Troll and his "Undying" ability has replaced him with a Minion Troll, does the Master Troll show up at the Entrance?
My biggest concern is that the Reinforce has a typo and it is supposed to say "Invading Force" instead of "Supporting Force" under the Reinforcements, with the intention being that the Invading force (which has been arriving 3 figures at a time) fully arrives by the end of the 4th round no matter how many figures still remain to be placed.
In short, I'm totally just not sure, but I will rule in favor of the overlord on this one since I'm the owner and the one controlling the heroes.
Heirs of Blood Quest 2 Siege of Skytower Reinforcement Question
1) If the monster supposed to be reinforced is already on the map, nothing happens. Reinforcements always abide by group limits unless otherwise stated.
2) I believe "Undying" states that the replacement ignores group limits. In this case, if the group limit is 0 minions/1 master and the master is not on the map, he would be placed regardless of the minion placed by "Undying."
3) I cannot say whether or not that is a typo. Your only recourse in that case is to ask the people who wrote the quest by submitting a rule question directly to FFG.
Thanks for your reply, greatly appreciated.
Since the rules work as written, I'm not gonna mess with it.