Where is Dual wielding represented?

By edvardarnor, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Clarification on a the subject.

First of I donĀ“t even know whice of the forms is the "official" dual wield form. I have however looked at the lightsaber forms and I see no talent that is objectionably beneficial to a player wielding two weapons. The rules basically state that by raising the difficulty by one you get the linked benefit when attacking with two weapons. That in and of itself is fine, I was just a little disappointed that that there is no talent that supplements this rule.

Am I just missing something or are there no talent of this nature?

I think it's likely we'll have a dual-saber spec at some point in a future source book. We were not initially given a single talent tree for the dual-wielding pistoleer in Edge of the Empire core book. But we did get the Gunslinger when the Smuggler sourcebook dropped. We'll probably see the same thing in one of the F&D books.

Am I just missing something or are there no talent of this nature?

As noted, the closest is Gunslinger. There are only three talents in the tree that affect dual wielding, and they are subtle, expensive, or come with a cost. The first is Improved Quick Draw, which allows you to use Quick Draw twice in a round. No big deal. Second is Guns Blazing, which charges you Strain to remove the extra difficulty of dual wielding. The third is Spitfire which allows extra hits when dual wielding.

Honestly, Spitfire seems like overkill, verging on "Last Man Standing" (the Hired Gun signature ability) territory. If you have YYYY for a dice pool (which for a Gunslinger is pretty easy to get to), and you spend 2 Strain with Guns Blazing, you're going to take down a lot of minions and rivals.

I believe Spitfire and Guns Blazing only apply to dual-wielding Ranged (Light) weapons

Correct, I think Frog's point is F&D just came out, so it's probably safe to expect to see a dual saber wield spec in a supp, but if the gunslinger is any indication don't expect too much more then two or three talents that are dual wield specific.

While I know a jar'kai spec is probably at the top of a lot of kid's life day lists this year, I would settle for a general purpose melee Florentine spec that had the option to go POOF! it works with lightsabers while providing flash and cool factor to the vibroblade wielders out there.

I have made an alternate specializations of Ataru and Niman combo that incorporate lightsaber versions of those 3 talents for oNE of my players. I also did the same for a Shi Cho/Makashi duel welder but I'm a GM that accommodates. For raw we will most likely get a duel weilding spec towards end of 2016 or mid 2017 if we are lucky

It would not be to hard to reskin Gunslinger to work as Jar Kai in the mean time. reword guns blazing and spitfire for lightsabers. replace a few talents for more appropriate ones and you have a functioning Jar Kai tree.

Like idea of a tree for Brawl and melee as well or one for all

While I know a jar'kai spec is probably at the top of a lot of kid's life day lists this year, I would settle for a general purpose melee Florentine spec that had the option to go POOF! it works with lightsabers while providing flash and cool factor to the vibroblade wielders out there.

I think if we were going to get a general purpose melee spec it would be in EotE or AoR. Most of whats offered in the fighting styles in F&D work pretty well for normal melee but since the focus of this line is on lightsabre welding people I don't see just pure melee spec fiting into any of the careers listed for this game. Such a thing would be more fitting for the Bounty Hunter, Hired Gun or Solider careers than it would any of the Jedi ones.

While I know a jar'kai spec is probably at the top of a lot of kid's life day lists this year, I would settle for a general purpose melee Florentine spec that had the option to go POOF! it works with lightsabers while providing flash and cool factor to the vibroblade wielders out there.

I think if we were going to get a general purpose melee spec it would be in EotE or AoR. Most of whats offered in the fighting styles in F&D work pretty well for normal melee but since the focus of this line is on lightsabre welding people I don't see just pure melee spec fiting into any of the careers listed for this game. Such a thing would be more fitting for the Bounty Hunter, Hired Gun or Solider careers than it would any of the Jedi ones.

True, but I really think we need an option somewhere for melee other than Marauder and glowsticks. Nothing wrong with marauder, mind you, but for flavor I would love something a little more... refined when it comes to form. Marauder feels very gladiatorial/brute squad-y, and I would love to see something a little more Errol Flynn, no matter which of the three lines it comes down from.

Now if you will excuse me, I seem to have some swashes that need buckling. :D

I'm not trying to be pedantic but FFGSW has no "Dual Wielding" rules instead they have the Two-Weapon Combat mechanic which works a little differently than most other RPGs. It's important to make this distinction so as to avoid pre-conceptions from other rules systems. /rant

Correct, I think Frog's point is F&D just came out, so it's probably safe to expect to see a dual saber wield spec in a supp, but if the gunslinger is any indication don't expect too much more then two or three talents that are dual wield specific.

In any case Ghostofman is probably correct that we will see something but it's not going to be more than a few Talents. Until then I'd suggest just using the Two-Weapon Combat RAW and describe it however you want or buy into the Gunslinger Spec and apply it to your PC's Sabres with the caveat that when the new Specialization comes out that the Player can re-spec those EXP spent to the new Tree.

Edited by FuriousGreg

I am just altering specs for players on a one on one basis for their Duel Weilding PCs and for my npcs

Right now, the best Spec for 2 weapon fighting is probably Niman Disciple....

2 "Curved hilt - Superior - Paired weapons" Lightsaber will work great with Draw Closer where you add Force dice equal to Force Rating to your Lightsaber roll, each Pip equals 1 success.

So you might have more chances to roll threat with PPP but you'll get 2 automatic advantages on the main hand with Superior and Curved Hilt (against only 1 engaged opponent easy to get with Draw Closer).

Assuming you roll only 1 success and no threat, you get 2 automatic advantages, needing 1 to trigger the off-hand weapon, which gives you another 2 automatic advantages.... so you now have 3 advantages to spend on strain, boost, crits, etc.

Not bad for a no-aggression spec.

I made an alternate of Niman that has twin strike in it which is essentially my guns blazing for sabers instead of a 4th tier talent. Then I took an alternate Ataru or Shi Cho depending on the pc since I have two that wanted Jar'Kai in two different games and took out a 2nd tier talent and gave improved quick draw to them.

The Niman/ataru explains saber swarm as two weapons hitting for narative.

The Niman/Shi Cho explains his Sarlacc sweep as second weapon hitting another engaged enemy. Description doesn't change mechanics of it, but allows my players to feel they are true Duel weilders. And yes they both prefer us calling two weapon fighting as duel weilding unless they are different weapons like saber/blaster which one player keeps threatening he is doing if his pc dies.