Central PA Players - Massing at Sullust (10/4) SUNDAY

By dbb143, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Just wanted to start a new thread with the corrected date for the Massing at Sullust pre-reaslease tournament event for Comic Store West in York, PA.

This event will be on Sunday, October 4th. The store manager should be confirming the kit sometime this week and I will post an update when I hear from him about this. I will also verify and post all the timing details as they become available soon.

Please help recruit any support you can for this event and let's make it at least as much of a success as our previous CS West tourney!

Thank you.

I'm in. I have figured out I can hit a Friday/Saturday in NJ and come out to York for Sunday.

If anybody has any hotel recommendations in York or the near community, let me know.

Not sure what your budget/preference range is but there is a Courtyard (by Marriott) not far from CS West in York. I travel frequently and almost always stay at Courtyards because of the balance of cleanliness, atmosphere, and not exorbitant cost (usually ~80 to 125 per night, but not sure about the one in York). Just my 2 cents.

Okay everyone, here is the latest update. The owner told me that he contacted FFG and their response was confirming that they would be sending him his invoice for the tournament kit on Monday (tomorrow). In my mind, this is as good a confirmation of the kit as we are going to get.

Now, on to logistics. Due to the length of this event, he has agreed to open early on Sunday October 4th. My plan is to begin registration at 10 AM (at Comic Store West in York, PA), and begin the first round of gaming at 10:30 AM sharp.

If we follow the three 2 hour rounds just like before, this will wrap up our standard Swiss at 4:30 PM. Then, the top 2 players will have 30 minutes to construct their new 400 point fleets with the new expansion ships and face off at 5 PM for their epic final battle!

Again as a reminder, there will be a $15 entrance fee to cover the cost of the OP kit. I will not plan on playing in this tournament (unless we only have 3 players without me, which I doubt), so I will have both a Rebel and Imperial fleet each built and available for anyone who needs to borrow ships in order to play.

Please tell anyone you know who came to our last event and/or seemed interested in trying this and we can make this another big success!

If you could, please either post here or send me a pm if you can confirm that you will be playing so that I have a good headcount to prepare (I will begin set up at 9:30 am before the store opens).

Thank you and I hope to see a true "Massing at (Comic Store) Sullust (West)!"

I'm definitely in! If anybody needs to borrow anything, I'll have my collection with me.

I am going to be trying to make it to this one, at this point I just cant say for 100% certainty :(

I just got confirmation from the store owner today that the Sullust kit has been ordered from FFG and is paid for. He said he would give me another update when it arrived! Spread the good word and let all rejoice that we will have lots of prizes and goodies for this event (since we still have our previous OP kit materials!) :D

Getting super psyched for this event. Don't forget to tell anyone you know who might be interested in coming and either post here or PM me if you know you will be coming.

Thank you all!

I'm going to try to get up there for it.

Kit officially arrived last night. Can't wait to divvy out the spoils on Sunday (after the carnage of course)


Looking forward to this. Bumping because I had to remind myself of what time I need to head out to get there on time tomorrow. :D

Thanks for the bump stasy. Just a reminder that registration starts at 10 am and we need to start the first round at 10:30 sharp. More Players contacted the store so we are now expecting between 6 to 10 people. Can't wait for tomorrow!

That's excellent news! Today we had 6 players, it seems that 6 - 8 players is about the normal draw for this tournament.

I just set my alarm for tomorrow, and gave myself plenty of time to get down there. So if you see me napping in a black Mazda 6 feel free to come bug me haha!

Ended up not getting much sleep last night due to a very sick dog, so couldn't make the trip up. Hope everyone is having fun up there!

I had a blast today guys! Everyone was super nice and absolutely helpful. And on top of that everybody was a good sport about everything. I couldn't imagine anyone not going there and not having a good time.

Just wanted to wrap this topic up by thanking everyone who made it out and made this event a success!

Comic store west will be looking into applying for the spring Store Championship series events (yay acrylic rulers) and I will let everyone know as we plan new events and casual games throughout the rest of the year.

Thank you again.