So after what I would consider a pretty good discussion on the nature of Good vs. Evil as it pertains to Light Side Force Users vs. Dark Side Force Users, a thought struck me and rather than hijack another thread, I decided to spin my thoughts off into a separate thread. These thoughts are purely a hypothetical thought exercise combining the morality system as it relates to the dice mechanics of Force and Destiny. This is NOT something I am considering needing a house rule for, but merely wishing to discuss in a thoughtful and courteous way if a house rule were needed to represent a slightly more fluid early game morality and make the Dark Side slightly more in line with a couple lines of dialog from the films. I will reiterate this is not something I am planning on implementing now or ever, but the thought experiment interests me and I think input from the community could be valuable in shaping this hypothetical scenario. While I will formally structure this first post, please feel free to get comfortable. Take your shoes and socks off. Fiddle with your toes a bit before wading in to what I hope will be a satisfying look into how mechanical rules interact with the concepts of moral slippery slopes and destiny.
What We Know and What the Rules as Written Represent
1) Per RAW, Force and Destiny characters who have not yet achieved a paragon status either way roll Force Dice to activate powers. Light Side Pips may be used freely and without cost to activate powers. Dark Side Pips may be used if and only if the player flips a destiny point from the Light Side Pool to the Dark Side Pool, accumulates strain equal to the number of Dark Side Pips used, and accumulates conflict equal to the number of Dark Side Pips used as a minimum with the possibility of additional conflict being garnered if the act is also "evil."
Example: A character rolls their Force Rating to activate move, generating a result of 2 Dark Side Pips. The player must flip a destiny point, increment their strain by 2, and gain two conflict. The player then uses those pips to activate the base power and a magnitude upgrade to push a silhouette 1 NPC off a cliff to their death. For the purpose of this example, the action will be considered evil and is adjudicated to garner an additional 10 conflict. The end result is the character gains 2 strain and 12 conflict.
2) "Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force, but beware of the Dark Side. Anger, fear, aggression; the Dark Side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." - Master Yoda on the nature of the Dark Side
As it is the nature of the Dark Side to be the "path of least resistance" and tempting to those who lack the discipline and self control extolled as a signature virtue of a trained Jedi, for those without the benefit of training or the benefit of experience of one who has attained the status of a Light Side Paragon, requiring the expenditure of a Destiny Point and the accumulation of strain mechanically seems contradictory to the seductive allure of the easy way to power. At it's heart, Star Wars is a morality play, and mechanically this is in place to represent that the Player Characters are destined to be the "good guys."
Hypothetical Alteration of Base Assumption of Game Mechanics
To better portray the Dark Side of the Force as a tempting option and assume that on some level the Dark Side of the Force has a will of it's own of an unknown level of personification but certainly on the "diabolical" end of the spectrum, and the fact that until a character has chosen a path, either light or dark, all characters have the potential to fall to the Dark Side as much as they have to ascend to the Light Side, a change in mechanics may be required if this is the story you wish to either play or tell.
Suggested Hypothetical Mechanical Alteration of Game Mechanics to Better Represent the Altered Assumption
1) This will ONLY affect characters who are created with a starting Morality of 50, and will stop affecting them once they have reached EITHER Morality 71 OR Morality 29 because by attaining a Paragon status, they have in effect "chosen a path." If a character's Morality goes above 71 or below 29 at any point and then returns to the range of 30 to 70, they will use the Rules as Written.
2) To make the Dark Side more tempting for these characters who have not "chosen a path," when rolling their Force Rating to activate Force Powers or Talents, either Dark Side Pips or Light Side Pips may be used. If a Dark Side Pip is used, deviating from the Rules as Written, a player will accumulate Conflict equal to the number of Dark Side Pips used and any subsequent conflict generated by the action, but will not accumulate Strain or flip a Destiny Point.
3) OPTIONAL: If at any time before a Path is chosen by reaching either Morality 71 or 29, becoming the student of a Master who has attained either Light Side or Dark Side Paragon (or a Holocron made by a Master who had attained a Paragon Status), the nature of entering a formal training environment constitutes the "Choosing of a Path."
I open the floor to discussion on the potential merits/pitfalls of such a system, as well as general feelings on the substance of this issue at the heart of what makes Star Wars such a compelling story (at least to me). I would ask that you remember this is done as a thought experiment and as such does not constitute a belief on my part that the rules should be changed, or need changing, or anything of the nature. I would like to thank you all for your time in reading this and contributing to what I hope will be an interesting, enlightening, and friendly discussion.
The Gentleman Scoundrel