block question with designer clothes

By darklogos, in UFS Rules Q & A

This past Saturday the following situation happened. I was playing against a Christie deck with my White Crane deck. It is my turn. I attack. He blocks. I attack he blocks again this time with a kick. I use Warrior Poet to get some cards face down. He wants to use Designer clothes to get rid of one of the blank cards. I tell him he cant because its not a kick attack at the moment but a block. I let him know that white crane can bounce multiples because they are technically blank cards. Did I make the wrong call. Are cards that are used as blocks considered just blocks or are they considered their keyword as well. I see the same situation coming up with Hoping for the best and kicks used as blocks.

I always thought it worked that way he did.. I based my opinion on the fact that you can use for the money to make blocks easier..

and besides..the kick still exist in his cardpool, or?

Cards used to block retain all values/keywords/etc when played as a block, including type. There is no "Block" card type. This means he could have used the Clothes.


In addition to what Tinman said, White crane can remove multiples because they are face down cards. They are not blank cards. They do have values, even if they are not printed, and retain those values until end of turn, or possibly only until they resolve (if the values where changed/added during the enhance of themselves).

Also note that For the Money increases the control check, it does not reduce the difficulty of the block. This is an important distinction.

For example:

I attack you with a First Rite, use the built in enhance. You half block and reversal me. I block w/ a Second Rite. The -2 to difficulty from the 1st Rite applies to the difficulty of the card, NOT the block modifier.

If that is the case if I block I can setup a combo off the cards because they retain their keywords. Would that also mean that white crane could bounce a block if it is an attack with two keywords.

Yes to both. It doesn't matter how the cards get in your card pool, if they've got the right keywords and immediatly precede your attack you can use the combo. Heck Temujin** can rearrange his card pool for just that purpose.

She can discard an attack with 2+ keywords used to block, and in this case since she cancels the effects of the card she stops the block from working. And if I remember correctly the opponent can not attempt to block again.

I thought if the effect is canceled it would make it like it didn't happen so he could reblock.

From AGR: If a block effect is negated, the defending player may not play a new block.