I prefer to start from aesthetics and let the mechanics evolve from the aesthetic choices made. What I like about L5R is that conflict occurs in a variety of domains (battle force, battle dueling, battle attritiobn, honor, enlightenment, *perp control*, *holding control*, *honor control*) and deck construction involves planning for asymetry in your chosen domain with some protection against your opponent's asymetrical choices. I would describe this aesthetic as strategic design.
The other aesthetic I enjoyed was how gameplay constructed narrative. Choices in the game suggested narrative, a story to follow. I used to like reading tournament reports because they read like stories. I would describe this aesthetic as 'game as narrative'
The third aesthetic is the cultural difference between Japan and Western conceptions of both gameplay and strategy. I spent 6 years living in Japan and when L5R worked it understood the subtle differences and features of the culture it was modelling. When L5R was awful, it was imposing Western constructs on the setting. In Japanese aesthetics there are different understandings of space that L5R seemed to incorporate well
1. ba - knowledge mobilizing space - the manifestation of the interactions of the cards selected and their application
2. wa - relational space - interaction with the other players - a non-interactive deck winning Gencon was the death of the game for me
3. ka - physical space - the provinces and battles being represented in physical space - I've always preferred control with movement in my decks and being able to physically point to the playspace was a great feature
4. ma - rhythm/absence - always a challenge in the game as the arms race (honor or battle) always pushed the game to clock it seemed - I would love to see more intentional design in how to structure interaction and allow for more diverse paces of play (more mid-game activity as opposed to blitz or late game)
My 2 cents and excited (although impatient) for what comes next!
I'm very excited about the acquistio