I mentioned this in another post, but I am having a hard time finding any information about OP. I am looking for rules, format info, required mini's, etc. Any help would be appreciated.
OP info
Found this link http://www.heroquestcomics.com/Calendar/MutntChron.html for a store running organized play. It contains some of the MC organized play information.
Good find! That explains a lot.
Also, I found out that Karak and the Golem are both league-legal. Very useful info for any GenCon attendees.
All the league paperwork is up now on the MC home page. Look under "support".
See ya thurs!
All the league paperwork is up now on the MC home page. Look under "support".
See ya thurs!
I have been watching the development of the Mutant Chronicles miniatures game from a distance since GAMA last year.
Recently, I visited the website, and see that at league is launching. After searching the site, I still cannot find what is included in the league kit, and why I might want to run or participate in one. Can you please direct me to this information?
it incluedes:
3x A01 laminated maps in a slightly larger version.
several (fabric?) patches.
a poster for the store
a new map A03.
two new command cards.
i think thats all ...
you can also download all the sheets you need for a league from the support section.
Thanks for the information.
Who is the contact for ordering a kit? I tried elind@fantasyflightgames.com, but received a "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" message.
If they still available, try Erik Lind [elind@fantasyflightgames.com] or Richard Nauertz [rnauertz@fantasyflightgames.com].
Thanks, For the help.
what's a 'patch?' Lost Legions set seem to have one (while supplies last) as well.
The kind you can sew onto a jacket or army transport. It's pretty neat.