I was really hoping to carry over the avatar that kinda marks my account, even if my exact user name is already taken somewhere...
I was really hoping to carry over the avatar that kinda marks my account, even if my exact user name is already taken somewhere...
FFG is not going to change their policy on outside avatars just for some L5R folks, so folks should definitely not hold their breath on that front.
Personally, I'm just fine with the existing options.
Where did you find their policies on that? I haven't done an in-depth exploration of this new forum, but a quick look at the basic places left me without any rules to go by. :/
If that's their policy I guess that's how it will go. Hopefully the fan forums get back into action. I'm just not comfortable posting someplace that impersonal. (That's entirely me, though. I understand not wanting to allow random images. I just don't agree with it.)
It's a policy by the fact that it isn't enabled on the forum software. Similar to how the filters will catch bad language.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the addition of avatars from Star Wars: The Card Game or Imperial Assault . Should be available any day now.
My avatar is from the SW LCG.
That's true, but I still have no idea how you got it. Just re-checked the forum avatar selection dropdown list, and if SWLCG is an option there, I'm not seeing it.
Unicorn Clan mon will suffice, though.
It's a policy by the fact that it isn't enabled on the forum software. Similar to how the filters will catch bad language.
Well, right. I was just looking for a place to be able to read the rules and regs, rather than just fumble along in trail and error.
The only downside about the limited avatars is that there were some people that I recognized almost more by their avatar than by name. It's going to take some adjusting.
The forums catch profanity?
Huh. I guess these ******* things work.
Clan Mon avatars are up and looking good! Also, if this ends up like almost every other FFG LCG the bulk of the discussion will be happening at cardgamedb.com forums instead of here.
Well, there are still all of the Clan forums out there. They had been fading, since many people used the main AEG boards. Perhaps they'll have a resurgence and we'll get another Deathseeker.com or something.
Clan Mon avatars are up and looking good! Also, if this ends up like almost every other FFG LCG the bulk of the discussion will be happening at cardgamedb.com forums instead of here.
Huh, I was wondering why the other forums were so dead. I'll have to check that place out then.
I wonder how this part of the forum will play out as it seems like users have a high desire to personalize based on L5R images. While we wait for the answer, which one of my signature line quotes is from L5R and for triple points who said it?
I wonder how this part of the forum will play out as it seems like users have a high desire to personalize based on L5R images. While we wait for the answer, which one of my signature line quotes is from L5R and for triple points who said it?
I'll take a crack at it. The quote about fire is from L5R. As for who said it... was it a dragon?
I would say either Isawa Tsuke or one of the dark oracle of fire, surely someone powerful and insane who does fire spells.
I would say either Isawa Tsuke or one of the dark oracle of fire, surely someone powerful and insane who does fire spells.
We have a winner with Master of Fire Isawa Tsuke!