I don't know your position on avatars and such yet, but if you're looking for a bunch of L5R avatars, I'd be happy to let you use the ones I've made over the years.
Forum Avatars
Hopefully they will at least give us Clan mon avatars. It will help FFG cross-promote the game within its own forums.
:edit: Wow, they did it, and faster than I expected. Thanks FFG! And now to slip on my mask...
Edited by paulskThey will but probably not setup as of yet.
I'm not up to date on Forum advances, but why don't they allow any avatar? I'm...ok with this random pic, but would prefer the ones I've used for years elsewhere.
I'm not up to date on Forum advances, but why don't they allow any avatar? I'm...ok with this random pic, but would prefer the ones I've used for years elsewhere.
Shields you from copy right infringement. This way everybody has an avatar from a property FFG actually owns.
I'm just happy Game of Thrones has dudes in red with flaming swords. Made it easy for me.
It also prevents people from using offensive images.
Edited by Silver CraneI am not so happy with the selection of possible avatars. I mean too many are just a face, I would like to have a little more.
I've already sent an email to one of my ffg contacts asking about getting some l5r clan avatars. Will let everyone know when I hear back.
at least i find one close enought of my old self!!
Haha, Welcome Garou! No Kama's to show off, but a good avatar regardless.
Anima's at least got my undead theme on lock. Hopefully we'll see mons!
I'd be fine with just simple mons of the clans for now, plus maybe an Imperial one or two.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the addition of avatars from Star Wars: The Card Game or Imperial Assault . Should be available any day now.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the addition of avatars from Star Wars: The Card Game or Imperial Assault . Should be available any day now.
My avatar is from the SW LCG.
I was the moderator for the Artisan District back on the AEG boards. That's close to official, right? Heh. Anyway, whomever's reading, let me know if you'd like the files, and I'd be happy to make more.
Not thrilled with the choices available so far, and usually prefer to use some of my own art. I understand all the copyright reasons for doing it this way though. Definitely need clan mons, and preferably family mons added.
I will hold out.
They have Clan Mons now.
Finally, I can be my corrupted self!
I assume art-specific avatars will depend largely on what art assets FFG picks up in the transition, and what they may have to re-negotiate. Since the helmet and sword art for the announcement of the accquisition of L5R was from a card from a set that may never be released, I can assume they picked up some art assets set for Onyx Edition and beyond.
Hmm indeed indeed.
I would expect FFG to have acquired all art assets as part of the sale of the brand. That doesn't mean they'll make them all into forum avatars (or will make anything into forum avatars in any sort of short time frame). But that's the sort of thing a sensible buyer would make sure to include, and the recent art assets are all digital, so they'll be easy to transfer.
FFG is not going to change their policy on outside avatars just for some L5R folks, so folks should definitely not hold their breath on that front.
Personally, I'm just fine with the existing options.
Clan mons are a great start. They can add iconic characters for their new game when they have them decided on and art in place. I'm just happy to be representing brand and clan in an official capacity now.
Finally, I can be my corrupted self!
I assume art-specific avatars will depend largely on what art assets FFG picks up in the transition, and what they may have to re-negotiate. Since the helmet and sword art for the announcement of the accquisition of L5R was from a card from a set that may never be released, I can assume they picked up some art assets set for Onyx Edition and beyond.
/hug for adding clan mons to FFG forum avatars
PS: Bring Mantis back for 2017