So, I woke up today for work and I had a voice mail from a friend. "Did you hear the big news?" Well, no I hadn't. After checking the Heroes of Rokugan forum I checked the L5R home page and got filled in. Honestly, I was not surprised as I have said after the release of Doomtown, L5R going the way of the LCG model would be better for the brand. "But its not as profitable," people told me. Well, sure, that may be true but Fantasy Flight Games is doing pretty **** good with their model. Card games are a risky business so unless your name is Magic: The Gathering, in today's market CCGs are dead in the water. I'm happy the IP now belongs to a company that knows what they are doing.
Let's be honest here: the community was holding L5R together, not AEG.
Its the best move for the game and the community. My pocket book will be happier, I assure you. As a primary RPG player, I am very curious. With a LCG model I'll actually invest my time in the card game now. I am very excited for the future of L5R now, even if aspects of the game will never be the same. This is the opportunity for a story reboot I have been looking for. Looking forward to the Mantis and Spider disappearing and going back to the days of the Clan Wars.
See you in 2017.