With talk of changing mechanics, one of the things I hope for is increased flexibility in deckbuilding by way of reduced commitment to specific clans. The "clan only" benefits (meaning reduced cost and honor gains) meant that significant numbers of cards in each release were of minimal use outside of their clan, because they compared poorly to in-clan choices.
When building a deck, I'd love it if any combination of personalities in my deck were on the table. Could there be clan synergy? Sure! If a particular clan is good at dueling, for example, and you want a dueling deck, you're still going to be heavy in that clan. But where the old game leaned heavily toward clan play as a foundational conceit, I hope for equally appealing strategies that rely less on a single clan focus.
I would love a little more freedom to mix and match and play dual clan decks, or even ignore clan altogether and build a deck that utilizes some other synergy and ignores clan alignment.
Honestly, I don't even need strongholds to be clan oriented. We could just as easily get strongholds that are designed with specific mechanical themes in mind and without any clan alignment at all.