Please FFG grow this license to other games.

By Rogue Kiwi, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I am really hoping to see RPG releases for L5R from FFG but also other products.

Personally I have always thought that Rokugan would be a great setting for a miniatures game.

I know there was clan wars some time ago and something like that would be cool but I really want to see a more skirmish scale game with a handful of miniatures each.

Imagine a Phoenix shugenja with his samurai bodyguard leading some archers against a Lion samurai general and his swordmen or the unicorn cavalry charge and a sneaky scorpion assasin.

I would be equally happy with a nice board game.

A game of thrones the board game reskin set in Rokugan (or the clonies) , with the different clans fighting another clan war.

Or a reskin of Masques set during the Winter court.

Or this:


No wait...That might be to similiar :D

I'd prefer new designs to reskins, generally speaking. But we'll see what they come up with. :)

I'd be so down with them making an L5R miniatures game. That would be awesome and deserves to be done.

A few people have posted the idea of small scale squad miniatures, which I think would be cool. The giant miniature tabletop armies are a bit overwhelming for new players to get into (and Clan Wars existed and died). 4-6 pieces for each side that can be played in the space of two place mats would be fun.

A miniatures game of 10-15mm pre-painted regiments of different samurai units (e.g. cavalry samurai, foot samurai, bow samurai) would be great.

I'm positive they'll be expanding into other areas with the license. Only a matter of time.

A few people have posted the idea of small scale squad miniatures, which I think would be cool. The giant miniature tabletop armies are a bit overwhelming for new players to get into (and Clan Wars existed and died). 4-6 pieces for each side that can be played in the space of two place mats would be fun.

Thank god, I don't want to be stuck painting a huge destroyer army. :)

Maybe something like Warmachine/hordes that can start with a few models and then scale up...

Once upon a time AEG had plans for an L5R board game that was bogged down in production woes. I still wonder what that could have been...

I just don't think I can get into minis games.

WarmHordes is good but still too much for me.

I actually really, really, enjoyed Malifaux

Or something along the lines of Star Wars Imperial Assault skirmish.

Dammit, now I don't want the LCG anymore...Now I want that instead.

Why not both?

Insuficient koku? :) I would probably pick up both yeah, but i hadn't realised how much I'd like L5R decent clone until toqtamish mentioned it. I already have l5r ccg, I don't have a minis game yet.

Oooh the oni models! Think of all the cool shadowlands stuff!

The idea of a miniatures game just sounds like endless victories for the Unicorn Clan. :P

Actually AEG had a Clan Wars miniature game planed with the original 6 factions playable.

However they had a fall out with the guys who produced the miniatures or something like that... I never followed up what actually happened there, but this game never came to be.

FFG also acquired the right to this game, since they bought the whole brand.

That explains why I couldn't find a rulebook online...

I am not much into war gaming, but if there would be a L5R war game with pre-painted minis, well then god help me if my friends start playing that, since I don't know if I could resist then...

At the very least they would be cool Imperial Favor Tokens :P

I actually had a Shiba Tsukune mini from waaay back. I gave it to someone years ago as a "Top Phoenix" prize. They were pretty cool.

Clan war did exist and also included naga.