Plea for the Gencon 2017 release.

By Ecgtheow, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

FFG, when you release L5R at Gencon 2017, can you, would you, pretty please with a cherry on top make it a full release, instead of the usual "we brought in 500 copies and they were all spoken for in the first five minutes" operation?

If you do, I promise I'll just hand over my wallet as soon as I get to your booth. :)

Also, could you maybe, at least for this game, release to FLGS at the same time as GenCon. If we have to wait 2 years already, don't make it longer please!

i will heartily second this notion. there is going to be one serious line for the new l5r edition.

I think they will. Or atleast that they ought.

The other games were being released for the first time (I am pretty sure). This game is going to have a 2 years hiatus and then be RE-released. If they want to maintain an existing player base, they need to get it to people who already play as quickly as possible.

Will there be a tournament at GC 2017?

Will there be a tournament at GC 2017?

Who knows? but technically, yes, it's their usual behaviour (happened for Conquest, for the 2nd edition of AGoT, and so on)

Will there be a tournament at GC 2017?

Yes. It says so on the games page.

If this gets rolled out right I imagine there will be no chance FFG will get stuck bringing too much product to GenCon 2017

...can I give you my money now?

I can't wait to see news rolling out leading to the release.

They oughta release them in editions like AEG did and start at onyx

Havent been to Gencon since 2004(where I coincidentally played my last FFg game, Call of Cthulu - free demo decks), but I will definitely go if the game looks cool.

I've heard from friends that FFG makes great stuff, so my hopes are pretty high.

Could you also secure a larger area for 2017? The lines this year were so bad I couldn't even get in once all weekend long.