Gandalf Hero and Quick Strike

By Seastan, in Rules questions & answers

If I use Gandalf's resource to play Quick Strike off the top of my deck, can I use Gandalf's resource pool to play other event cards, like Mithrandir's advice, during the attack?

Only Neutral events. Gandalf's ability to have all printed spheres only works when playing the top card of your deck.

Agreed. You already played quick strike. Resolving the attack doesn't still count as playing the card.

It doesn't seem so obvious to me. I would think that I am not done playing the card until I've resolved its effect.

Maybe a simpler question would be: If I have Gandalf and 2 lore heroes and I use Gandalf's ability to play Mirthrandir's advice off the top of my deck, do I draw 2 cards or 3? If you say 3, then Gandalf must be retaining his multiple spheres while you resolve the effects of the card.

Maybe a simpler question would be: If I have Gandalf and 2 lore heroes and I use Gandalf's ability to play Mirthrandir's advice off the top of my deck, do I draw 2 cards or 3? If you say 3, then Gandalf must be retaining his multiple spheres while you resolve the effects of the card.

Without drilling carefully into the rules/FAQ, I would assume that the "playing" of a card happens an instantaneous moment, not over a measurable duration of time, as you seem to be gesturing at with the Quick Strike question.

Thus, Gandalf counts as a Lore hero for Mithrandir's Advice if he plays it off the top of deck. But since the moment of the Quick Strike playing is over by the time you hit a (newly created) action window, the last sentence of Gandalf's text no longer applies, so no additional sphere icons.

The action on Quick strike says to exhaust your character and declare it as an attacker. After you declared your attacker, you are no longer playing the card and Gandalf loses his icons. There is no action window during the attack declaration to play another card.

The action on Quick strike says to exhaust your character and declare it as an attacker. After you declared your attacker, you are no longer playing the card and Gandalf loses his icons. There is no action window during the attack declaration to play another card.

There is an action window after you declare attackers, after you determine attack strength, and after you determine combat damage. Quick Strike is as you say + "and resolve it's attack" for this reason you are still playing the card until it's over. Caleb confirmed this is why Hama can't take a quick strike back immediately but can take a Fient back. The card quick strike sticks around until the attack is over then goes in the discard pile.

Edited by midwestborn86

I can't find that Hama ruling anywhere, but I did find this question below. This indicates that playing an event and discarding an event after it resolves are two different steps. So even if you don't discard Quick Strike until after the attack, playing the card is something different.

Q : "Feint" and "thicket of spears" will stop an enemy or multiple enemies from attacking "this phase." Does this mean that these events are not resolved and are not discarded until the end of the combat phase?

A : Unless an event card says otherwise, it should be discarded as soon as it is played. That would allow Hama to retrieve a Feint just used to prevent an enemy from attacking.

Also this:

Q : The Map of Earnil seems to be playable with Will of the West. If that is possible, should we shuffle Will of the West and Map of Earnil in the deck without putting the Will of the West at the bottom of the deck? Also, if we use a good meal with a leadership hobbit hero, could we lower the cost to play second breakfast while it is played from the discard using the Tome of Atanator?

A : When you play an event in The Lord of the Rings LCG, you resolve its ability and then discard it. So when you play Will of the West, you will shuffle your discard pile into your deck before discarding it. If you used Map of Earnil to play Will of the West, you will place it on the bottom of your deck instead. While the event is being resolved, it is neither in your hand nor in your discard pile. This is similar to treachery cards revealed from the encounter deck: the When Revealed effect on the treachery card must be resolved before it is discarded. During that time, the treachery card is neither in the encounter deck or encounter discard pile.

With regard to Second Breakfast, you could use Tome of Atanator to play Second Breakfast from your discard pile and then retrieve the just discarded Tome with the Second Breakfast.

Found the Hama quote:

"The card that you want to retrieve with Hama must already be in the discard pile at the time that he is declared as the attacker. In the case of Quick Strike or Hands Upon the Bow, those cards are not are not discarded until their effect (the attack) resolves, so they wouldn't be in the discard pile for Hama to retrieve."

So Quick Strike is not discarded until after the attack, but I don't think the card is in a constant state of being played. If you want to ask Caleb, go for it. I'd be very surprised if he said it unlocked Gandalf's spheres into a new action window.

flightmaster and Teamjimby are right.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

I see what you guys are saying. But it's tough to see why I can keep Gandalf's symbols while resolving the action on Mithrandir's advice, but not while resolving the action on Quick Strike, nested actions or no. I think I will submit a question.

Hero Gandalf's ability 'play top card as if in hand' is only once per phase. So, going back to original question, the second card 'Mithrandir's advice' could not be played using Gandalf's ability in the same phase.

I think the act of 'playing' is different from the act or process of resolving the card's effect (and the act of placing the 'played' card in the discard pile). If we take it that the act of playing a card is instantaneous (ie. we cannot have a case of simultaneously playing 2 cards or 'play' another card while you are in middle of 'playing' another card) then it cleans up the game's framework. Gandalf's ability kind of enables you only to play a non-neural card, but it does not affect or last until its resolution. But we'll get some counter-intuitive results like Mithrandir's Advice and Gandalf's ability: his ability will enable you to play Mithrandir's Advice but will not give you a card (Gandalf no longer has the lore icon during the resolution of the card's effect).

On the other hand, if we take the 'playing' of the card as lasting until its resolution or, even up to placing the card in the discard pile afterwards, then we can get some convuluted issues with different card interactions.

I really would like the game to have a solid rules framework that would clarify and simplify card interactions rather than rely on one-off rulings done on a case-to-case basis.

at this point I think even if they tried to produce a document that laid out all the framework details, it would be a ridiculously complicated document and we'd have just as many questions as we do now

I can't find that Hama ruling anywhere, but I did find this question below. This indicates that playing an event and discarding an event after it resolves are two different steps. So even if you don't discard Quick Strike until after the attack, playing the card is something different.

Q[/size] : "Feint" and "thicket of spears" will stop an enemy or multiple enemies from attacking "this phase." Does this mean that these events are not resolved and are not discarded until the end of the combat phase?[/size]

A[/size] : Unless an event card says otherwise, it should be discarded as soon as it is played. That would allow Hama to retrieve a Feint just used to prevent an enemy from attacking.[/size]

Also this:[/size]

Q[/size] : The Map of Earnil seems to be playable with Will of the West. If that is possible, should we shuffle Will of the West and Map of Earnil in the deck without putting the Will of the West at the bottom of the deck? Also, if we use a good meal with a leadership hobbit hero, could we lower the cost to play second breakfast while it is played from the discard using the Tome of Atanator?[/size]

A[/size] : When you play an event in The Lord of the Rings LCG, you resolve its ability and then discard it. So when you play Will of the West, you will shuffle your discard pile into your deck before discarding it. If you used Map of Earnil to play Will of the West, you will place it on the bottom of your deck instead. While the event is being resolved, it is neither in your hand nor in your discard pile. This is similar to treachery cards revealed from the encounter deck: the When Revealed effect on the treachery card must be resolved before it is discarded. During that time, the treachery card is neither in the encounter deck or encounter discard pile.[/size]

With regard to Second Breakfast, you could use Tome of Atanator to play Second Breakfast from your discard pile and then retrieve the just discarded Tome with the Second Breakfast.[/size]

Lol that was my exact thread asked to Caleb. He said the feint goes right in discard but quick str does not because it says "and resolve it's attack"