Guns and Ammo

By TacticalChicken, in Zombie Apocalypse

Hi all,

I know this may have been covered somewhat, but I haven't found the answer to my particular question : how would you handle a PC using a gun against an opponent, and stating that they want to fire X number of shots ? Example: 3 zombies are closing in, and the PC wants to fire a round at each. For that matter, the PC wants to fire 2 rounds at a bandit. Would you do one check to cover all shots, with each success counting as one round that hits ? For separate opponents, do you do one check per opponent ? How would you handle this seemingly very simple thing ?

Having not come across these scenarios in my game, these are my thoughts off the top:

For shooting at multiple targets with one action, after assembling the pool normally, I would require my player to split their positive dice pool up (negatives accounted for as per normal, capable of canceling dice from any of the posi and Stress totaled at the end) between however many targets he wanted to shoot at, and require 2 successes to hit (which is how I handle guns anyway; 2 successes, so you would have to be somewhat skilled before even attempting multiple targets).

As for multiple shots at one target, I would be inclined to do something like; add 1 neg dice per additional shot, as well as a +1 to the base damage of the weapon. No additional posi, still 2 successes required. Oh yeah, and +1 bonus posi dice per additional shot for anyone/thing around to hear the volley.

Works for me , thanks !

Personally, I'd use the rules for Pushing Yourself. Add one Positive Die and One Negative Die to the Dice Pool.

The Positive Die represents firing off more rounds to increase your chances of inflicting damage. But the Negative Die represents the fact that those shots have to be fired quickly, and you might not have to time to line them all up properly and make them count. Roll the dice, and see how much stress you inflicted total. If you're aiming at a single target, divide this number by 2 to find how many shots you fired. If you're aiming at multiple targets, spread the damage out as evenly as possible and just say you fired one shot per zombie.

It depends on the weapon. As a military man I actually took the time to take the cyclic rate of fire for various weapons and divided down to rounds per second. Depending on the situation would determine how many rounds a PC would spend and how much damage was inflicted to the zombie. obviously a single shot weapon or a semi-automatic will only fire between one to five rounds per turn. Now take a fully automatic one such as a M249 SAW and the amount of rounds spent per second goes up from any where from 12 to 15 rounds (one second to about 1.9 seconds or about as long as it takes to fire in one controlled burst, about as long as it takes to say "die motherfucker die, get some") from there you take into account the PC's distance from the zombie and from there you can get a gauge for the cone of fire on the zombie(s). Once you determine a hit with a dexterity test then assemble a pool of 23 (controlled burst depending on the weapon and gas setting if you have a M240) 12mm D6's (one per round) and roll the pool. The distance of the zombie from the PC will affect what number or lower will score a hit. For example, assuming a PC is familiar with the weapon, any target less than 100 meters with iron sights will score a hit on a 4 lower. This simulates enemies a farther distances. the further away the enemy the larger the cone of fire. very crude d6 system but i will refine it after some tests.

Edited by DI8E11