Sometimes i don't want to wait around for a group of players to be available and just want to grab a couple of new heroes and play a quick dungeon crawl style game. Also my son likes to play alongside my hero against the monsters rather than against me as the overlord. I come from a Warhammer Quest background (long time ago now) and do sometimes miss with Descent the style of play where you work through a dungeon with a simple quest to complete and being somewhat unsure of your survival.
So i ended up with one or two quick quest scenarios that i use, originally designed for 2 heroes to try and capture the feel of a dungeon crawl complete with a theme and some special room events, but keeping things relatively simple to play. New FFG co-operative packs enabled me to expand these a bit more and ultimately i felt they may merit a trial at least on the quest vault.
I have called it a solo series (just to help flag them if i do more) as i have included basic solo rules to operate the overlord. I was deliberately trying not to over complicate this, the aim was to produce a fun quest which i can try out with different hero combinations and just see how things turn out for them, using common sense when required. I have ended up though with extra options that it can be played using the usual overlord rules and also the scenario has additional commentary for changing the difficulty level too. I managed to keep all this to one page (just).
If it gets enough likes (be generous !) then i will give a similar enhanced treatment to another scenario i use called Fire Caverns.
The first vault release very shortly will be
Spiders Lair
.... please go have a look
and i am happy for any useful feedback here which i can take into account for amendments or future similar quest scenarios.