Spiders Lair (solo series)

By Crusaderlord, in Descent Quest Vault Open Beta

Sometimes i don't want to wait around for a group of players to be available and just want to grab a couple of new heroes and play a quick dungeon crawl style game. Also my son likes to play alongside my hero against the monsters rather than against me as the overlord. I come from a Warhammer Quest background (long time ago now) and do sometimes miss with Descent the style of play where you work through a dungeon with a simple quest to complete and being somewhat unsure of your survival.

So i ended up with one or two quick quest scenarios that i use, originally designed for 2 heroes to try and capture the feel of a dungeon crawl complete with a theme and some special room events, but keeping things relatively simple to play. New FFG co-operative packs enabled me to expand these a bit more and ultimately i felt they may merit a trial at least on the quest vault.

I have called it a solo series (just to help flag them if i do more) as i have included basic solo rules to operate the overlord. I was deliberately trying not to over complicate this, the aim was to produce a fun quest which i can try out with different hero combinations and just see how things turn out for them, using common sense when required. I have ended up though with extra options that it can be played using the usual overlord rules and also the scenario has additional commentary for changing the difficulty level too. I managed to keep all this to one page (just).

If it gets enough likes (be generous !) then i will give a similar enhanced treatment to another scenario i use called Fire Caverns.

The first vault release very shortly will be Spiders Lair .... please go have a look :) and i am happy for any useful feedback here which i can take into account for amendments or future similar quest scenarios.

Edited by Crusaderlord

A new version of the Spiders Lair quest is being posted today.

This new version removes most of the solo rules and adds in more flavour text to be read out by the solo player or overlord - and is more as i originally intended it to be theme wise. I had to squeeze this out to get in the solo rules. You can still get all the original solo rules from the version 1 file.

The new version adds :

  • More theme text to be read to create the scene
  • A small reward tweak
  • An extra side area in the bane spiders den which adds extra difficulty and also gives heroes a decision of whether to send someone down to collect the search item - given the movement difficulties in the den.

I hope you enjoy it and add some more likes ...

Edited by Crusaderlord

I don;t understand how the overlord and the overlord deck are used to automate the monsters

have you downloaded the original version 1 rules which contained the detail of how to play solo - the latest version removed all those rules to give a more text based scenario story, on the basis that once you learnt the solo rules you wouldn't need to keep reading them - this made it a fuller story style quest.

Edited by Crusaderlord

The latest version reverted back to providing all the solo rules for clarity. Version 2 still has the more storyline.

Edited by Crusaderlord

Hi Crusaderlord. From your post it seems like the quest vault is still active. When I try to enter the quest vault I end up back in the forums page. I navigate to the tools page, enter my username and password and it sends me right back where I started. It's a never ending loop. I am using the current version of Chrome. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Crusaderlord. From your post it seems like the quest vault is still active. When I try to enter the quest vault I end up back in the forums page. I navigate to the tools page, enter my username and password and it sends me right back where I started. It's a never ending loop. I am using the current version of Chrome. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You have to send a report to the support/tech team of FFG, and they'll fixx it. Had the same issue the first time i tried login into QV. It's still beta, that kind of things happens sometimes.

Hi Crusaderlord. From your post it seems like the quest vault is still active. When I try to enter the quest vault I end up back in the forums page. I navigate to the tools page, enter my username and password and it sends me right back where I started. It's a never ending loop. I am using the current version of Chrome. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The quest vault is definitely still active. I'd recommend (either or both):

1) Post in the "technical issues" topic at the top of this forum

2) Send an email to quest vault support at questvault@fantasyflightgames.com

Thanks! I will try them both.

A new encounter has been added to this spider adventure making it longer and more risky to complete, you can push you luck if you want to...

Spiders Lair - optionally uses natures ire cards (encounter 1) and now has a new encounter 2 added

If you like this then do try our my other two adventures :

Death Keep - optionally uses forgotten soul cards (encounter 1) and natures ire cards (encounter 2)

Fire Caverns - optionally uses dark elements cards

Edited by Crusaderlord