Scavenge for Supplies sidequest

By sappidus, in Rules questions & answers

In Across the Ettenmoors, the wording on the Scavenge for Supplies sidequest is, "Each player may play a card from his hand, at no cost" after the quest is defeated. Does this mean that the card must be an event? Barring shenanigans, you'll always be completing the sidequest during a quest phase, so wouldn't the phrasing have to be "play or put into play" if the designers meant you to be able to "play" allies/attachments (a la Vilya)?

Edited by sappidus

That's a good question I'm gonna guess any card.

I'm sure it's not meant to be event only, so if anything this is an error. But perhaps you are able to play allies and attachments outside of planning if enabled by a card effect like this one? You're right though, other card effects use the wording 'put into play' and I can't seem to find any cards that don't.

Yeah, I used the Silver Rule and assumed the worst in my playthroughs last night. In the first one, I got to play a Keen as Lances for free (with nothing in the victory display), so yay (but still lost in the end). In the second one, the only event I had between both of my hands was... Daeron's Runes. Still won, but at the time it was annoying to think that I could've thrown down ally Haldir or something instead.

Anyway, I sent in an official rules question and will post the result when it arrives.

The man himself:

The last part of the Forced effect on Scavenge for Supplies allows you to play any 1 card in your hand at no cost: ally, attachment, event, or side quest.

I hope you’re enjoying Across the Ettenmoors!

So you were totally right, GrandSpleen. I still think it should be phrased "play or put into play"... Although I suppose that brings up whether you can trigger, say, ally Galadriel's ability when she gets played via this effect... Hmmmm...

Edited by sappidus

What I get no shout out I was right also :(

What I get no shout out I was right also :(

Whoops, sorry! raven614 too. :)

In case anyone was wondering, Caleb answered my question about ally Galadriel being played through this effect...

Since you are playing Galadriel at no cost (rather than putting her into play), you can trigger her Response effect.

Of course, this also applies to the likes of the Rivendell Minstrel, Rumil, and a few other cards that trigger effects when played from hand but not when put into play. (Note that this does not include Fili/Kili in this case, since their texts explicit specify that it must be the planning phase... [unless you completed the sidequest during the planning phase using Ravens of the Mountain or something arghthisgameiscomplicated...])

Edited by sappidus