Armada Tournaments in NYC

By MikeNYHC, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

If you live in the NYC area there will be regular tournaments at the Compleat Strategist in Manhattan on select Saturdays at 11:00 AM. Check out the link below. It's time to get this game off the ground in NYC.

If the link doesn't work below the first tournament is Saturday 9/19 at 11:00 AM

$5 entry or buy a ship expansion! Prizes from the FFG tournament kits.

Edited by MikeNYHC

Are you going to post dates here?

Shocking as it sounds, there are people who don't use / check Facebook.

Boy, that might be doable for a weekend event. I could always take a train into the city from somewhere in NJ like I did when I ran the NYC Marathon...

But your link doesn't appear to work. Just FYI.

I tried to fix the link. Disappointed it still doesn't work.

The tournament is Saturday 9/19 at 11:00 AM at the Compleat Strategist in Manhattan.

Tournaments will also be held on




Same time and same place.