The Ammo Pack, less awesome then previously thought, and some other gear issues

By Jon D, in Rogue Trader

So I got my copy of Rogue Trader last week, and having read it about 3 times, I have to ask, why is the ammo pack so **** heavy? And why doesn't it provide more ammo? At 25 kg, it's more weight then just carrying reloads, and all it really allows you to do is get around the reload times for weapons, which with the exception of Plasma and Melta weapons isn't that bad. And with the exception of Flame weapons, you shouldn't need to reload in the middle of combat anyway.

That said, it rocks with Flame weapons, greatly extending the use of said weapons. Is the amount of ammo stored incorrect? Or is the weight wrong? It seems a bit much when I can just grab a couple extra reloads.

And onto other gear...are Hellguns fed off of charge packs or back packs? It doesn't weigh much more then standard Las weapons, so it's hard to tell, and Pen 7? That's up there with Plasma weapons.

Did they just cut and paste some things? Overcharge packs are in weapons upgrades instead of ammo, and Synskin is in clothing rather the the armor section.

Where is my combat shotgun? I know it's in DH, but we got all the DH guns anyway, why was that omitted?

Other then that...I love the book, only a few typos, and the art is very good. Nice to see a Karskin in there. aplauso.gif


3 times read in a week time! Yikes... I'm still on my first run after 2 weeks.

horizon said:


3 times read in a week time! Yikes... I'm still on my first run after 2 weeks.

I'm perhaps just a tad obsessive when it comes to literature.

Jon D said:

I'm perhaps just a tad obsessive when it comes to literature.

I'm not sure I'd call it "literature", but I can understand the obsessiveness!

Sadly, between a job and two small kids, I'm nowhere near done with a first read. However, it seems to me that the ammo pack is so heavy because it is intended for use with the weapons you listed (flame, plasma, etc.) where it gives the greatest benefit and would make more sense being heavy.

I haven't made it even half way through the book, though, so don't rely too heavily on my sadly under-informed opinion!

With the ammo pack, I imagine it being a big metal box, with servos inside loading the weapon through a huge metal feeding system (because what isn't sized optimally). I was thinking along the lines of the Space Marine devastators for looks, personally.

Uhm, Hellguns are fed off of 10kg backpacks (it's in the description instead of included). They also have penetration seven I GUESS to bring it more in line with the tabletop version and to see it use.

For the synskin, I'd say that it wasn't a complete copypasta, since the errata has been incorporated with it. Just an oversight I guess?

Better question than where is your combat shotgun, where's the hunting rifle? Arch-Militants start off with it, yet it's not a weapon? Of course, as you mentioned, we all have DH, but if someone bought this standalone, boo-urns.

Fideru said:

With the ammo pack, I imagine it being a big metal box, with servos inside loading the weapon through a huge metal feeding system (because what isn't sized optimally). I was thinking along the lines of the Space Marine devastators for looks, personally.

Uhm, Hellguns are fed off of 10kg backpacks (it's in the description instead of included). They also have penetration seven I GUESS to bring it more in line with the tabletop version and to see it use.

For the synskin, I'd say that it wasn't a complete copypasta, since the errata has been incorporated with it. Just an oversight I guess?

Better question than where is your combat shotgun, where's the hunting rifle? Arch-Militants start off with it, yet it's not a weapon? Of course, as you mentioned, we all have DH, but if someone bought this standalone, boo-urns.

I just think it could stand to hold more ammo personally. I think doubling it for none Flame weapons would be more in line.

After re-reading the Hellgun entry, it does say it has a back. To bad they can't work off of charge packs like the DH version, might have to include that.

No hunting rifle. I guess it was an omission, I'd give them a Long Las instead, but since I have both books, it's easy to just flip back and forth.

Jon D said:

Fideru said:

With the ammo pack, I imagine it being a big metal box, with servos inside loading the weapon through a huge metal feeding system (because what isn't sized optimally). I was thinking along the lines of the Space Marine devastators for looks, personally.

Uhm, Hellguns are fed off of 10kg backpacks (it's in the description instead of included). They also have penetration seven I GUESS to bring it more in line with the tabletop version and to see it use.

For the synskin, I'd say that it wasn't a complete copypasta, since the errata has been incorporated with it. Just an oversight I guess?

Better question than where is your combat shotgun, where's the hunting rifle? Arch-Militants start off with it, yet it's not a weapon? Of course, as you mentioned, we all have DH, but if someone bought this standalone, boo-urns.

I just think it could stand to hold more ammo personally. I think doubling it for none Flame weapons would be more in line.

After re-reading the Hellgun entry, it does say it has a back. To bad they can't work off of charge packs like the DH version, might have to include that.

No hunting rifle. I guess it was an omission, I'd give them a Long Las instead, but since I have both books, it's easy to just flip back and forth.

Agreed entirely on all points.