Would people in the setting know of Malcador and his exploits?
In my season I ruled no, on the basis that a lot of what Malcador did was acting in The Emperor's absence or highly classified (founding the Inquisition, creating the Grey Knights etc), so the young Ecclesiarchy would remove him from stories because "The Emperor is perfect, he doesn't need any help" and the Inquisition would expunge all records of him for similar reasons. I conceded that some records probably exists in obscure scholastic and forbidden tomes (the character asking has Scholastic Lore (Legends) so I figured if anyone might know anything, it would this character), but even low ranking preachers, those who know the "Good Book" inside and out, would be unlikely to have encountered records of him.
I was wondering if anyone else has some thoughts/sources on the matter?
Edited by CyanAngel