Starting a saga - need your help

By Marten, in Rules questions & answers

I want to start a saga journey (campaign mode).

There are a couple of different cards that come with the Saga expansions (excluding the Hobbit saga since they cannot be played as part of the campaign).

Can all cards from the saga expansions be used with all the others.

For example can I use Frodo Baggins from The Road Darkens directly?

Basically, which cards are?:

- Optional (events...)

- Forced (Frodo Baggins...)

- Special event (Boons/Burdens...)

You can use any version of Frodo you wish (except Spirit Frodo) for the quests in The Black Riders, The Road Darkens, and The Land of Shadow.

For example there is this one encounter card Gildor Inglorian.

It doesn't belong to an encounter set, how do I know if I should put it in the encounter deck?

campaign cards will tell you when to

In that specific example, the Campaign card for A Shadow of the Past tells you to put Mr. Underhill and Gandalf's Delay into play, and shuffle Gildor and The Ring Draws Them into the encounter deck. Then at the end of the quest the other side of the Campaign card tells you to choose one of the boons and one of the burdens to add to the campaign pool moving forwards. Likewise for the other quests, the Campaign card will tell you when to add certain boons and burdens.

Other than that, you take your pick of the three different Fellowship Frodos, but you have to have one, in addition to your regular heroes, and you have to have The One Ring (except in Treason of Saruman). The other Fellowship sphere player cards are optional to include in your deck or not, as with any other player cards.