List of "Massing at Sullust" events?

By novista, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Alright all, I think the title says almost all, does anyone have one, as I'm looking for something local. I've emailed FFG.

My understanding is that the stores have not yet been told whether they're included or not at this point, so no true listing can occur yet.

Until all stores that apply get notified there is no list. Applications don't close until today the 8th. Call your local stores and see if they applied.

I do hope we get an official list. I'd like to know what my options are.

I know my FLGS was told they've been approved.

Until all stores that apply get notified there is no list. Applications don't close until today the 8th.

Edited by novista

Is there a list for these yet?

I should take a few minutes to write an email to FFG asking for one. Or somebody else can feel free to beat me to it. Just saying.

Edit- I took 5 min a shot a question to FFG about this. I'll post their response.

Edited by Stasy

Isn't the Star Wars: Armada Organized Play board itself a form of list? It's probably not comprehensive, but unless FFG puts out a notice, it's probably the best there is.

Not every store advertises on here... The two I plan on attending in NJ are not listed here. If I wasn't a member of the Philly/NJ Armada group on FB, I would never have found out.

You'd think they can just publish a list... not like they don't know who's getting a limited release tournament pack. LOL!

My question about the list stems from the idea that not every venue that might want to run an event may get to run an event because of a question about enough stuff. I wouldn't want to go to the closest option and find they didn't get stuff when I could have driven a bit further to a venue that did get stuff.

Okay so we're a week away from when these events are supposed to occur or can start occurring. Is there a list of places that will get stuff and are officially announcing events?

I never got a response from FFG. I'm guessing we won't see one or it's going to be pretty last minute. Even if they are doing USP Next Day, they got to be shipping stuff by Wednesday at the latest.

I'd like to think they've finalized all stores getting a kit at this point.

My understanding is not a lot of stores got approved you have to have enough play space to hold it so small stores are hurt by it. Like in my state I'm pretty sure my local store is the only one holding it.

My understanding is not a lot of stores got approved you have to have enough play space to hold it so small stores are hurt by it. Like in my state I'm pretty sure my local store is the only one holding it.

Do you live in the great state of Antarctica? I've got 5 Sullust events within bicycling distance (though, admittedly, two of those are a real pain to bike to - but I've done it).

It seems to me that FFG was pretty liberal with their approval process. Out of those 5 events, I'll only be able to go to 3, because there are a number of overlaps. Too much Sullust; too little time. Before the approvals came through (which was very quickly), I figured that they would have been more selective.

I imagine they apportioned the Sullust kits pretty much on a first-come;first serve basis. Maybe the stores in Antarctica had the postal Tauntauns die before they could reach FFG.

My area is devoid of stores hosting. All three tournaments I'm going to are over 2.5hrs away.

I can relate to not having anything close. And I live in PA!

My area is devoid of stores hosting. All three tournaments I'm going to are over 2.5hrs away.

I can relate to not having anything close. And I live in PA

I'm looking at 2.5 as well without more information. I certainly won't be biking.

Not every store advertises on here... The two I plan on attending in NJ are not listed here. If I wasn't a member of the Philly/NJ Armada group on FB, I would never have found out.

You'd think they can just publish a list... not like they don't know who's getting a limited release tournament pack. LOL!

Have you messaged FFG to ask for a list?

Not every store advertises on here... The two I plan on attending in NJ are not listed here. If I wasn't a member of the Philly/NJ Armada group on FB, I would never have found out.

You'd think they can just publish a list... not like they don't know who's getting a limited release tournament pack. LOL!

Have you messaged FFG to ask for a list?

Yes, unfortunately without response.

Pretty lame not publishing a list of stores hosting Sullust events- shame on FFG

Nearest tournaments I've found are an hour and a half and two hours away. Thankfully, I'm a college kid with nothing better to do than drive those hours to play those games. It would have been nice to find 'em closer though.

Hey all,

We are hosting a tournament at Budget Friendly Games in Bonita Springs, FL. Check out the event page at the facebook page link:

Please bring two copies of your fleet list: one for the T.O. that includes the Objectives and one for your opponent without Objectives.


Atomic Comics Game and Music in Muncie, Indiana! October 3rd at 1:00pm. Plenty of space and a new community so we are always looking for better players to come teach us new players how to play!

Alright, this is more or less the 'general thread' for this so I'll put a word in for a mostly bereft area, my own province.

So, Mission: Fun and Games in Saint Albert, Alberta is having a Massing at Sullust event after all; but here's the catch, the deadline for registration is today , noon tomorrow (just give 'em a call), and I only was told about it about an hour ago by chance. If there's not at least 6 players (max of 8) then it's not going forward. I'm intrigued, as it's only an hour away from me compared to the Sentry Box event in Calgary which is 4 hours on a good day. It's tentatively scheduled for the 3rd at 3:00. We'll see I suppose.

On a more general note, should we be making fan lists for broad geological areas from now on? IE, 'Western Canada', 'Southwest U.S.A.', 'Northern Great Britain', 'Western Australia', etc. I mean, those are big areas and still not widely accessible to all, but they might be a good way to make sure we at least know every fringe option available to us.

Edited by Vykes

If you wanted to make a 2 Day Trip of it, then we've Also got Myth Games doing it on the Saturday at 2PM as well, Vykes...

I mean, its a Hotel Overnight, but you could Double-Sullust in Calgary :D