Computer Access Link

By Jereru, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG


I've searched through all three forums unsuccessfully, I hope someone can help with that.

My PC has underwent surgery to get a Cybernetic Brain Implant. In the description it states it gives a +1 bonus to Intellect, a bult-in comlink and a computer access link .

Anyone has a remote idea what is this last thing for?

Thank you.

Edit: Typos, typos everywhere.

Edited by Jereru

Could allow you to acces a computer directly (i.e. directly pluggin your noggin in) or wirelessly connect to a nearby or open computer. Probably one of those gear pieces that don't do anything statistically, but allows you do something you couldn't without it (like a spacesuit allowing you to space walk). Just my guess, I'm AFB.

And I would say access to a computer you already have access too. not to ones you do not have prior access too.

Mmmm... so it gives me access to a computer I already have access too... nice...

Seems they had to fill in some space in the description...

Thx anyway, guys xD

I always thought this was pretty much a wireless broadband network card. So if there's an open network you can access it via the computer in your head instead of having to pull out a datapad or something. However, if the computer you're trying to access doesn't have wifi then you're pretty much going to have to do it the oldfashioned way.

Well, if you check out Lobot's wookieepedia page , it says, "He could communicate with the city's central computer at all times, controlling issues of bureaucracy, law enforcement, computer programming, repair and security, as well as the communication systems, repulsorlifts, and life-support systems. In many ways, Lobot was Cloud City—he was the true power behind its everyday operations, whereas the Baron Administrator served that role to the public's face. In the past, running the city's computer would take dozens of specialists. Now, Lobot could fulfill the duties of many instantly."

So it does sound like he's got a built-in wireless network link.

Alright... thank you guys, I'll inform the GM that we have just acquired a router :P

Theres also the major downside of having your brain hacked by a talented slicer and rewritten . Makes a nice plot twist. Of course that's if your gm realizes this.

I just assumed that was your brains new NIC. Now you can download all sorts of inappropriate material directly into your brain without the Jedi giving you that preachy look.

We (our group) already agreed that a human brain cannot be hacked (with computers/Mechanic, Influence is another story). In case the implant would be hacked, it could turn a bonus into a penalty and, would it be destroyed, I would stop profiting from it (and posibly suffer some strain), but my own brain wouldn't "explode" (as the implant is not substituting the brain, just boosting it). But hey, that's part of the fun, ain't it? ;) And of course, that's our agreement, in our game... doesn't have to be holy word...

Thank you for the help :)