My game is set during the Old Republic when the Mandos were allied with the Sith. I was wondering how you would stat Beskar armor? Off the top of my head it would have the cortosis quality for sure, but I'm not sure how much defense and soak it should have.
How would you stat up Mandalorian armor?
Heavy Battle Armor with some mods, probably cortosis and superior.
And I think it would vary. For example Sabine would not be wearing heavy battle armor. I don't think the Mando have just one kind of armor. Use any armor in the system. call it mando. Some of it I would give cortosis weave and call it mandalorean iron. Ifi it is a set made for a character it would have the superior quality.
Agreed with Daeglan. Use whatever armor you or your PCs can afford, and describe it however you wanted.
Well depends on what its made from. If made from mandolorian iron it should negate the breach and sunder quality of lightsabers. Course that material is super rare (if you went by "book cannon" a fresh deposit wasn't even found till almost the vong series in the timeline)
Boba Fetts armor was made to look like a mandolrians armor but was made from cheaper materials
I have to agree with the consensus. Not all Mando's are equal. Some don't have as much money and can't afford as nice an armor. Others have taken on roles that have different needs then their comrades. There are light skirmisher/scouts who will have lighter armor (armored cloths perhaps) and then the full front line fighters will have your battle armors.
I know all Mando's are stereotypicaly Hunters, but that doesn't mean that every last one of them takes a Bounty Hunter career. To make a well rounded force they must have both heavy and light fighters, scouts, pilots, gunslingers, riflemen, etc. Each of these probably has different needs.
Beskar specifically is the same as Cortosis. I'd use the exact stats from the book for the Cortosis armor mod. Keep in mind that it's really expensive and rare. No starting character is going to have it (unless perhaps you are starting at Knight Level play."
Even in old repulbic times I don't think every Mando had Beskar armor. It's very rare even back then.
Edited by Split LightThanks for the advice everyone. I wasn't planning on giving it to my PCs; I needed it for NPC stats. I didn't realize how rare it was even during the Old Republic so I think I'll restrict its use to rivals and nemesis.
But yeah cortosis quality on the armor is best to represent beskar. it doesn't short out lightsabers but is an effective measure. There is also Phrik as well but that's almost as rare (there was one known planet in the video game series that mined it heavily in the rebellion era IE: "The Dark Forces" computer game, the first one that had the robotic dark troopers.)
Most governments tended to use cortosis and beskar on their ships/warmachines during your era and a bit past Darth Bane (Bane was actually a slave miner mining cortosis before he was recruited) thanks to its energy dispersion qualities. Course Mandos had the chokehold on Beskar.
Edited by MajehAs others have said, Mandalorian armor is pretty much a style of armor than specifically what's made out of.
And in that vein, a character (PC or NPC) can quite easily take most any type of armor and say it's Mando armor. For instance, a starting-out PC could take a set of padded armor and say that it's a Mando-style chest plate, but lacking any of the other parts (gauntlets, greaves, helmet).
Jango Fett's armor has been noted to just be made of regular materials but done up in Mando style. And before the fanboys got a hold of him, Boba Fett was just another bounty hunter wearing Mando-style armor but zero connection to the Mandos themselves.
If we're talking Boba Fett's armour, isn't it pretty much already in the book? Just add a jetpack. The missile and the grappling gun I just see as things that Boba Fett carries, though you could spin it as part of the armour if you want.
If we're talking Boba Fett's armour, isn't it pretty much already in the book? Just add a jetpack. The missile and the grappling gun I just see as things that Boba Fett carries, though you could spin it as part of the armour if you want.
Yeah, Fett's armor would pretty much be heavy battle armor, with the various other weapons added on as part of the weapon mount attachment from the Dangerous Covenants book.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I wasn't planning on giving it to my PCs; I needed it for NPC stats. I didn't realize how rare it was even during the Old Republic so I think I'll restrict its use to rivals and nemesis.
If its for NPC stats, then it does whatever you need it to do, so it may differ by the specific NPC. No need to blanket every NPC with identical stats for the armor.
As noted above, Heavy armor, armored clothes and attachments like superior and cortosis sound like reasonable places to start.
Heavy battle armor... it even says so in the description of it.
If you are going to play in the Old Republic I'd suggest you find the closest species, item, weapon, armor, vehicle or whatever, that currently fills the same role and re-skin it without modification. Resist the urge to add a bunch of upgrades or special features you'll just upset the current balance.
Aye, neo crusaders particularly were not as well armoured and used an equivalent to laminate.
That being said, for most part I would treat their armour as any other, with their armour quaility mostly present in the superior quaility in most "elite" characters, likely their leaders and most champions would wield that, as I recall that a mando unit in kotor 2 had a champion in addition to the mandolore. Perhaps use that as the super tooled up big bad and just tool most others up to purpose.
Everyone's given some reasonable answers already. So let me go in the other direction.
To a Mandalorian, armour is a very personal thing. It is both practical and vain, to gird yourself in the finest protection so you can keep fighting is the perfect blend of Mandalorian sensibilities of personal honour and pragmatism.
To start off with, in the Old Republic the Mandalorians have a bad rep. I'd give bonuses to any Coercion checks for sure. And also penalties for anything remotely "pleasant" or "diplomatic". I also wouldn't restrict myself to existing qualities, though there are already many decent options.
Consider overpowered stuff like "Always counts as Aiming" due to enhanced targeting systems in the helmet.
I've spent a fair amount of time on this myself, and for what it's worth. . .
As has been said, a new Mando has whatever he can afford. The armor may be styled like it came from home, but it's nothing special. For a high end fellow, or a well connected one, on the other hand, it's a bit more. To simulate the HUD helmet I've given a blue die for awareness and ranged attacks, a built in comlink, built in datapad, and at least some environmental filters. The armor starts off as the stat set that suits your view of the character best (I like the TeggCo Protector 1 from dangerous covenants), with cortosis, superior, and a couple hardpoints added. Now what are the tradeoffs for this monstrosity? Increased incumberance, Beskar is supposed to be very dense of heavy. Next, it's expensive as hell. You could almost buy a ship for what you're going to drop on the armor. If you buy it from a Mandolorian smith and you're not a Mando, he may laugh at you. Or shoot you. Or demand a favor as well as that fierce price tag (a small obligation perhaps). If you are a Mando, the price will be lower, but your clan probably picked up part of the tab. Major obligation to your clan, and now that you're wearing something that shows your clan affiliation, the clans enemies are your enemies.
If you DIDN"T buy your armor from a Mando smith, now you have new issues. The armor is customized for it's user. That's not you. So, add some movement and dex penalties, the HUD gives you a headache and doesn't work right (no blue dice, black die on all rolls if you wear it for more than an hour, black die for awareness and ranged combat due to sensory overload). And the Force help you if you run into a real Mando. Very quickly, they're going to guess that's not your armor you're wearing. What happened to the original wearer? What did you do to him? Where do you get off wearing his armor? Mando aren't exactly known for being subtle in displaying their disgruntlement.
Finally there are social aspects to the infamous T visor, and they aren't universal. Mandos have a reputation, and for some that makes them automaticly intimidating, even if you don't want to intimidate them. Others will think its all overblown rep and decide to show how tough they are by dropping the big bad Mando. And law enforcement and military types are likely to look to you as the first source of trouble. Then there's the seedy types who will immediately try to pay you to shoot their boss/wife/neighbor/punk down the street who won't turn down his music.
So yeah, make the armor **** cool. It should be. Then make the owner PAY