SAS 2.1 9th place Kazuya... 5 am style

By B-Rad1234, in UFS Deck Building

So yeah I built Kazuya at around 4 30 in the morning and after playtesting four games with Awakenz' James Hata (and going 2-2) I took this to day 2, and it got beaten by a super quick Jin deck and didn't make top 8 by the slimmest of margines. Oh well, this is just the first draft so I would love any comments.

Cheers :D

Chasing After the Power x4
Communing with the Ancients x4
All Life is Prey x4
For the Money x4
Maniacle Laughter x4
Mishima Zalbatsu Leader x4
Need to Destroy x4
Solitary Assasin x4
The Hunt is On x4
Treacherous Offspring x4


Execution Technique First Rite x4
Spinning Demon x4
Two deadly Bling x4
Wheel Kick x4

Scroll of the Abyss x3
Path of the Master x3


4x Kazuya

Well my frist question would be how do you plan on killing with this deck ?

Scound are you leaning on Kazuya's F or his E ?. Other then that you have a good start you might want to try Loin Slayer it can be a good kill comboed with Wheel kick after you've wiped the back feild

Loki 5K said:

Loin Slayer

Merciless Fighter might not be a bad idea to speed the deck up a little bit, def agree about "how do you kill people?"

So yesterday I played three matches against Sir Shajir's Paul deck. It went 2-1 vs it and had no problem killing.

Basically the kill turn would be something like Wheel Kick, Wheel Kick, Foundation, foundatio, Spinning Demon Multiple with PotM

Had i known you weren't running Merciless Fighter, I would have NEVER let you out of the house.

That being said i like the list a lot. I love the utility over the extra damage you get from dark geo. Rings and first rite are sexcellent in here. But merciless only makes them better. Test it out and let us know what you find!

i dont run it in my build either, the one i played against Ben and you one round lol, i dont like pitching the character for it when i cna pitch any card for Kaz

See I looked at Merciless Fighters and didn't throw it in for a multitude of reasons:

1: The stats. A 2/4 without a block? Yeck

2: The discarding of a character. My deck runs enough discard to pump abilities in Kazuya himself and The Hunt is On. Chaos doesn't have enough draw power (that's any good, the majority of Algol's stuff is crap) to support that on my turn (I'm not counting Ancient Fighting Arts).

3: The generic damage pump is meh. If I have two Kazuya's in play that's +2/+2 as opposed to just +2 damage. The deck doesn't too much damage pump as the majority of the cards match at least two symbols with Kazuya, making PotM hi-fricken-larious. I remember I threw out something like a 14 damage Deadly Bling at the end of a spam of French Toast and foundations.

Thanks for the suggestion and please keep em coming :D

B-Rad said:

See I looked at Merciless Fighters and didn't throw it in for a multitude of reasons:

1: The stats. A 2/4 without a block? Yeck

2: The discarding of a character. My deck runs enough discard to pump abilities in Kazuya himself and The Hunt is On. Chaos doesn't have enough draw power (that's any good, the majority of Algol's stuff is crap) to support that on my turn (I'm not counting Ancient Fighting Arts).

3: The generic damage pump is meh. If I have two Kazuya's in play that's +2/+2 as opposed to just +2 damage. The deck doesn't too much damage pump as the majority of the cards match at least two symbols with Kazuya, making PotM hi-fricken-larious. I remember I threw out something like a 14 damage Deadly Bling at the end of a spam of French Toast and foundations.

Thanks for the suggestion and please keep em coming :D

I can see where you and J. are coming from. I just like how much it speed up your clock. In my experience, Chaos likes the early game alot and kinda falters if it has to go to like turn 4 or 5 with fire. J. was also running Lightning Upper as an alternate win condition. I dont know it just seems that it would be very good with all the pokes you run. Just my .02 USD.