SAS 5th place Astrid

By B-Rad1234, in UFS Deck Building

So yeah, it's Astrid plain and simple. Enjoy :D

Assets: 9

x2 Heiman Busta! (Hilde's weapon)

3x Path of the Master

2x Reaver Axe

2x Valkryja Shield

Foundations: 35

4x Brooding

3x Commune with the Ancients

4x Envoy of the Queen

4x Financial Trouble

3x For the Money

4x Hop's for one's People

3x Martial Arts Champ

2x Paying Respect to your Ancestors

4x Paid to Protect

2x Rivalry with a Bear

3x Relentless

4x Standoff

Attacks: 19

3x Execution Technique: The First Rite

3x Fire shadow

3x Mark of the Beast

4x Pommel Smash

3x Tyr's Warding Smash


4x Wonderworld Warriors

1x Paul Phoenix

1x Strongest in the Universe

1x Turn Thruster

1x Phoenix Smasher

Total Card: 63

So yeah, plain, simple and to the point. The deck finally ran outta steam against Vik in top 8 unfortunatly. More in my report.

This deck was gave me lots of headaches, both in testing and in Top 8 when we played it out. Hata has a lot of great advantages over Astrid but Brad's deck had THE single most important card against Hata in the main, Paid To Protect. Between PTPs, MACs to keep my own Hymen Busters/Financial Troubles down, and of course Stand-Off wars it was brutal to be able to force my fast damage through. In the end, I was able to win (thank you, Pommel Smash) but it was not easy. Astrid is a beast and Brad's deck is the ****, that's really all I have to say! :-)


Ring out!

Interesting dek for sure... won't deny that...
just doesn't it take a while to set up though?

That's the glory of Astrid in that while she can go blitz balls out aggro, she is really better at playing the longer and slower game. I found myself walling behind Stand Offs and Payed to Protect until I had something like 20 or so weapons in discard.

the decks got an amazing ability to force your opponent to take a bunch of damage or overextend themselves on their turn. a breaker 2 with the shield into a pommel smash will stop almost any character from continuing their attack chain early game and a reverse anything for 20 damage with astrid and a few other Es will make some people rage. then once its your turn you just chuck whatever attacks you have, probably with for the moneys up and your opponent commited out for way more damage than they can handle.

so not that shes better playing necessarily the long game but the game where your opponent gets impatient and attacks a spiked wall. resulting in a reverse pommel smash for 18 and their troublesome character/PoTM commited.

I would like to see her take on my controlled agression Zi Mei. Since you are still running legacy.