? about Rest Step

By bcwMD, in Middle-earth Quest

When we demoed the game at GenCon, it was mentioned that if you took a Rest Step, your turn ended. Looking through the rules during our first play, I never saw this particular rule mentioned--in fact, it stated that you took the turns in order and so it seemed natural that even if you rested you could continue as normal (with the only penalty being the advancement of a Shadow token). So can you still take a Travel and Encounter step after a Rest, or is that the end of your turn? It wouldn't be the first time someone demoing at a Con had led me astray, and even though it was Corey running the demo I know these guys get enough games under their belt that they sometimes miss a rule here or there.

Yes, resting does NOT end one's turn.


bcwMD said:

When we demoed the game at GenCon, it was mentioned that if you took a Rest Step, your turn ended. Looking through the rules during our first play, I never saw this particular rule mentionedin fact, it stated that you took the turns in order and so it seemed natural that even if you rested you could continue as normal (with the only penalty being the advancement of a Shadow token). So can you still take a Travel and Encounter step after a Rest, or is that the end of your turn? It wouldn't be the first time someone demoing at a Con had led me astray, and even though it was Corey running the demo I know these guys get enough games under their belt that they sometimes miss a rule here or there.

Wow, I must have been pretty out of it if I said you skip your turn...

Official response is NO, you do not skip your turn when you rest!