Sure hope this is available by Christmas! Now I feel like digging out the board game and give it a play.
On the Boat!
Wow, that was fast! Nice to see the game coming!
I'm a bit surprised we haven't had any previews of this game though. As normally we get one a week showing different elements of the game. But we've had nothing since the initial announcement, and now it is 'on the boat'.
Same is true of most announcements from Gencon - eldritch horror exp, new Runebound, imperial assault exp, descent exp, none have had any further previews since the initial announcements. I think we can expect news within a couple of weeks or so.
Sweet! Drakon is nice, but I need a bit more meat on my dungeon crawl games. And since GW destroyed the warhammer world it's good to see FFG is keeping it alive!
And since GW destroyed the warhammer world
That's what I call a delicate metaphor
but actually I share your pov...
Awesome! I'm excited. I've never played a Warhammer game, but I love the LOTR LCG and am excited for another cooperative card game from FFG. I hope that the game has a very long life and many, many expansions.
Awesome! I'm excited. I've never played a Warhammer game, but I love the LOTR LCG and am excited for another cooperative card game from FFG. I hope that the game has a very long life and many, many expansions.
+1... Was initially hoping that this would be another cooperative/solo LCG, but still very excited to play this game!
Awesome! I'm excited. I've never played a Warhammer game, but I love the LOTR LCG and am excited for another cooperative card game from FFG. I hope that the game has a very long life and many, many expansions.
+1... Was initially hoping that this would be another cooperative/solo LCG, but still very excited to play this game!
I'm very happy it's NOT an LCG so my completionist tendencies don't conflict with my limited playtime...
Awesome! I'm excited. I've never played a Warhammer game, but I love the LOTR LCG and am excited for another cooperative card game from FFG. I hope that the game has a very long life and many, many expansions.
+1... Was initially hoping that this would be another cooperative/solo LCG, but still very excited to play this game!
I'm very happy it's NOT an LCG so my completionist tendencies don't conflict with my limited playtime...
Same. Also, after a long love affair with LOTR LCG, I've found that I actually hate having to pre-construct decks and tweak for every scenario. Even worse in that game than other LCGs since I always wanted my LOTR decks to be thematic since I'm a massive Tolkien nerd.
I sold LotR because building decks got to be too much of a chore. But many of my
family members prefer cooperative games. We've played Rune Age to death, but with only 2 cooperative scenarios, it might be nice to get a new game for a change. I'm starting to eye this one with great interest.
I sold LotR because building decks got to be too much of a chore. But many of my families prefer cooperative games. We've played Rune Age to death, but with only 2 cooperative scenarios, it might be nice to get a new game for a change. I'm starting to eye this one with great interest.
If you(r family) are into CoOp games, you might want to check out this game:
Ghost stories
But beware, It's more challenging than it looks.
Edited by Robin GravesI sold LotR because building decks got to be too much of a chore. But many of my families prefer cooperative games. We've played Rune Age to death, but with only 2 cooperative scenarios, it might be nice to get a new game for a change. I'm starting to eye this one with great interest.
Yeah, I'll be selling my collection soon for the same reason and replacing it with WHQ. Will hate to see it go since the theme (and the art) are incredible, but half the game isn't even playing the game.
I saw something about it being available in quarter 3, how reliable is that?
I saw something about it being available in quarter 3, how reliable is that?
It hasn't been on the boat long enough to make it to stores by the end of this month, which is the end if the quarter. I see no reason it won't be out by the end of next month however.
Anyone else really surprised by the lack of preview articles? It seems like they wanted to promote it pretty heavily since they devoted time in the In Flight Report. Thought that would mean lots more marketing/info for the game.....
Anyone else really surprised by the lack of preview articles? It seems like they wanted to promote it pretty heavily since they devoted time in the In Flight Report. Thought that would mean lots more marketing/info for the game.....
I am. I figured we'd have plenty of previews at this point.
It does seem to be flying under the radar at the moment. Maybe because all the new Star Wars stuff and the L5R aquisition are in the spotlight now.
Yup, I agree with Robin. I'm confident in one or two weeks tops we'll see a preview coming, tho
I'm feeling it for a preview this coming week. Feelin' it in me waters. Especially given the little video teaser for Fury of Dracula yesterday, which went to 'on the boat' on the same day, so maybe a teaser video for this first too, rather than a preview?
I'm feeling it for a preview this coming week. Feelin' it in me waters. Especially given the little video teaser for Fury of Dracula yesterday, which went to 'on the boat' on the same day, so maybe a teaser video for this first too, rather than a preview?
I wanted to believe, but you may have underestimated the power of Star Wars.
I'm feeling it for a preview this coming week. Feelin' it in me waters. Especially given the little video teaser for Fury of Dracula yesterday, which went to 'on the boat' on the same day, so maybe a teaser video for this first too, rather than a preview?
I wanted to believe, but you may have underestimated the power of Star Wars.
Don't underestimate the force.
It's still on the boat, but I am getting more and more excited for this game!
It's still on the boat, but I am getting more and more excited for this game!
Same. Actually sold my collection of LOTR LCG yesterday, so some of that money will go to WHQ if the boat doesn't sink.
I just hope the game does well. For some reason it seems like Warhammer Fantasy products suffer in the US compared to the 40k line. Diskwars seems to have stalled and of course Invasion was shut down.