new to road to legend

By wraithey, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

my friends and i have all of the current descent expansions and are going to get road to legend. any advice for newcomers choosing heroes for road to legend?

Do *not* let the Heroe players choose their own heroes, as with the right combinations, it will be a slaughter for the Overlord.

We usually do the "draw 3, choose 1" way of picking heroes for the campaign. Then just make sure the group chooses a well rounded set of heroes. One tank (i.e. melee, high health, etc), one Ranged, one Magic, and one "runner" (high Speed, usually has Subterfuge skills).


shnar said:

Do *not* let the Heroe players choose their own heroes, as with the right combinations, it will be a slaughter for the Overlord.

The game is so much stacked against the heroes on a first play through it's likely that they'll lose and the OL wins even if you help them out.

It only becomes easy for the heroes after they learn every aspect of the game and use them to their advantage. New players don't tend to do that, instead they make a lot of mistakes.

trulez said:

shnar said:

Do *not* let the Heroe players choose their own heroes, as with the right combinations, it will be a slaughter for the Overlord.

I disagree with the above poster. Please let them choose their heroes, it makes the game much more fun for the heroes.

The game is so much stacked against the heroes on a first play through it's likely that they'll lose and the OL wins even if you help them out.

It only becomes easy for the heroes after they learn every aspect of the game and use them to their advantage. New players don't tend to do that, instead they make a lot of mistakes.

I have to agree with shnar.

Heroes tend to have a very hard time in Copper, Silver starts to even out the second they get Silver weapons, and Gold is typically a cake walk for most heroes.

I strongly recommend doing it the way the rules are written, which is draw three and pick one. That gives 4 groups of three heroes out there for the group to discuss the best combination. In my experience you definitely want 1 pure melee guy and 1 pure magic user, the other two can be any combination of pre melee, pure ranged or melee/ranged, ranged/magic.

Heroes to look for (depending on which expansions you have):

Laurel of Bloodwood



Ronan of the Wild

One Fist

Landrec the Wise


I *might* be more lenient on the first time through for heroes, since this *is* a long game and best to at least allow the hero players not feel like they're "stuck" with some crappy hero for such a long game. However, once they've even done one or two sessions, especially if they learn the blitzing strategy, this game is *really* easy for the heroes, so allowing them to create the dream-team would just be murder for the Overlord.

What we do is the all or nothing. If after drawing 3 Heroes each, if ALL the heroes decide it was just a sucky draw, we end the campaign right there and start a new one. That's not really a big deal, since the campaign JUST started, that just means everyone discards all their heroes and they all redraw 3 heroes again :)
