linking RtL to SoB: Iper- Campaign?

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Since SoB appeared on the scene, the last summer at GenCon, many out there started to think how it could be linked to RtL, in order to create a really HUGE experience of Campaign...

Well, FFG, stated many times that RtL is not compatible with SoB (except for Dungeons levels and Rumors)...but now it's time to try to find some "house rules" to link the two worlds (Terrinoth land and Torue Albe Islands)!

A (very simply) proposal could be: why don't create an Iper-Campaign?

What's an Iper-Campaign?'s a (big) Campaign playable in more chapters (i.e. the first chapter is The Terrinoth world of Road to Legend and the second one is the Sea of Blood world..). Each chapter has its own leader (Avatar) and the same party of heroes which overcomes the first part of the Campaign, can travel to the other one, bringing on all the stuff yet collected so far in the "first" chapter.

Obviously, the second chapter must to start at an higher level (gold), and the OL will choose a new Avatar and a new Plot, but I prefer not to follow the rules on page 9 of the official rulebook of RtL ("Beginning at Gold Level"): simply the party keeps the treasures, the gold and the skills already gained in the "first chapter", the total Conquest Tokens amount is reduced to 0, and the new Avatar puts in play for free 2 or 3 new "plot cards" (open issue, I admit..). The Final Battle of the second Chapter could start when the total amount of CTs is 200 (insted of 600).

Your suggestions? Other ideas?

While it's too soon to really know (i.e. the rules aren't out, so hard to know what to do/not do to make the two campaigns work together), I'd rather see a 3-staged campaign, where you start in Terrinoth in Copper and fight the Avatar at the end of Copper, then move to Sea of Blood for Silver, fight an Avatar at the end of Silver, then move to a 3rd campaign in Gold.

Would just be uber cool to combine 3 campaigns :D
