What's next for deluxe expansions?

By tempus42, in CoC General Discussion

Unless I'm mistaken, Mark of Madness will complete the set of faction-specific deluxe expansions. So is that the end of CoC expansions? Or will they return to non-faction-specific expansions? Or possibly a new round of faction-specific ones? I checked the news for CoC, but I haven't seen any official word about this from FFG....

Just wondering....

The next deluxe expansion will be called 'Horrors from the Crowdsource', and will consist of 200ish blank cards, with faction-specific borders, for players to illustrate and provide flavour text, card text and icons.

The next deluxe expansion hasn't been announced yet. Since all the faction boxes are probably done now (I do not expect one for Silver Twilight), it will most likely be a themed set sort of like Terror in Venice but we can only guess what sort of setting it will be and what mechanics might be emphasized.

So basically, we just hang out and wait for FFG to post their announcement.

I actually expect another deluxe set for Silver Twilight. If you look at the card count for all the factions, you'll see that they're still behind. I'm also hoping for another themed deluxe expansion, though - I want to see new story cards!!!

Themed would be nice. A good even spread of themed cards across all factions makes for a good standalone buy at the slow (yet nice) pace the cards are released.

I do hope it is not wind-it-up time (which FFG saying they are moving all the expansions into POD suggests they are still invested in the game!!).

Looks like it's all over based on the latest nes from FFG, timed exactly when they picked up LOT5R as well.

So i'd hazzard a guess that the development team and assets will shift over to Lot5r



Unhappy as well. Great game. Will continue to play. Thanks FFG for providing as much support as you did over the years. Happy to have the final deluxe set. Looking forward to the next Lovecraft product.

I am actually shocked the property was produced for so long as FFG seemed to view Call of Cthulhu (CoC) as the game of purgatory before up and coming designers got to touch the valuable properties. When I stopped playing three years ago there was a total lack of continuity other than keywords that tended to completely disappear with each cycle of asylum packs leaving players with island mechanics and sledge dogs. This is maybe an oversimplification of my reasons for leaving but I have lost the passion for ranting because it is obviously too late for any change to matter.

I realize this sentiment may not be generally well received by those frequenting this forum, as most of the people reading still play. However, I believe my view is shared among a good number those who left the game for other boards and cards. In the end the game died because of the people that left not the people who stayed so above is .02 from someone who loved CoC but got tired of waking up every morning to the LCG equivalent to a crazy girlfriend...

One thing CoC taught me is the joy of gaming among friends is more important than what is printed on the cards. All that has changed for me is the fluff, not the congregate experience of gaming.

Edited by Tokhuah