Would like to build a shaper deck.

By Dainank, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I am very new to the game, but like the shapers. I was wondering which expansions would provide me with some good shaper cards to start of with as well as data packs?

Thank You!

Definitely creation and control.

The Deluxe expansion?


To add more detail:

Creation Control has a ton of shaper (and runner in general) cards that are staples in most decks.

Other good options:
Double Time for Lucky Find

Humanity's Shadow for Quality Time

Second Thoughts for Prepaid Voice Pad
All That Remains for Cerberus "Lady" H1

What Lies Ahead for ZU.13

Those aren't the only good cards in the above sets, they all have some great cards for runner and corp. Just the cards mentioned above are fairly common in shaper decks.

Creation and Control is, IMO, mandatory for Shapers to pick up.

After that it depends on WHICH Shaper identity you want to play.

Picking up "Lady" in All That Remains is good for all of the Shapers.

Chaos Theory and Exile like a lot of the cards from the Spin Cycle because they have fairly successful decks that focuses on using Doubles and Deep Red + Pawn, respectively.

nungunz posted some good options for a pretty standard Kate deck.

Nasir wants Personal Workshop from Cyber Exodus, and Order of Sol from First Contact, as well as possibly crescentus from A Study in Static.

Haley really likes the various stealth cards (refractor from up and over), or hyperdriver from Underway.

OK, Thank You for all the feedback guys!

This is great!