Let's talk about some dice mechanics. I've been running the beginner box campaign now a few times, and I think I'm starting to grasp the concepts of the challenge and upgrade dice. I've also researched the statistics on the dice pool, and it seems that the black dice add more of a threat than the red.
But let's talk examples. I like examples:
Beginner Box Spoiler!!!- Don't read past here.
Anyway - so the bridge scene with the mercenaries on guard. Here is how I've amped up the challenge:
1. I've added some others that were patrolling and get added to the mix if the PC's just charge in.
2. If one of the ranged PC's just takes a shot without attempting to speak to them, then I leverage their mercenary training, and all difficulty goes up by one purple.
3. Also, if a shot is heard from the trees, then they all drop prone and any ranged shots to them add one black.
Any other tweaks you make to your combat to make it more of a threat?
With a one time medicine check per encounter, plus stimpacks, the PC's don't normally feel really threatened.
Advice I read was to sprinkle the challenge dice liberally, because as they lvl up, they get counters to those dice and those upgrades wont feel very good unless they see the intended affect.