Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....
Drew Maffei - King (Earth) Swiss Champ
Ben "Biznissman" Showmaker - Zei Mei (Fire)
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)
Keenan Meadows - Heihachi (Chaos)
Alex Marco - Paul Phoenix (Fire)
Vik "Garlic Butter" Sareen - James Hata (Fire)
Efrain Costa - Tira (Life)
Aulden Lloyd - Cassandra (Fire)
It has been awesome so far, there were 4 Heihachi decks 1 fire, 1 chaos, 1 earth, and one that was just 20 attacks and 40 characters
3 Jin's none of which made top 8, two Tira's one was off of death the other life, Nina made a showing and did pretty well, all in all its been pretty awesome so far and a great spread of characters, fire seems to be hot...yes pun intended
Iam sure there will be more reports, iam just throwing this one up now...