If I remember correctly the count was a little over twenty people. If I remember even more correctly ATL made up twelve of them.
Hello From Top 8 at SAS
ShippuJinrai said:
Something we've been saying going as far back as 4 months. This should have gotten fixed already but with zero people to work on it...
ShippuJinrai said:
OR a SCIV 2 card that literally ***** speed bonus.
OR a PtP return in prize support - we barely got any.
Realy interested in the Chaos Heihachi reaching the top 8, im running one at the moment and it isnt doing that spectaculary in my meta at the moment... must be doing something wrong! back to the drawing bored eh? hehe
The Heihachi deck was DUMB. It will be posted by Keenan and discussed I'm sure, because it's literally quite retardedly fast with lots of dirty tricks, an amazing attack spread enough versatilty to deal with mid game Stand-Offs/redux (a bane for Heichachi). I loved it so much and was very scared in the Final after losing the first game.
Drew's Rock deck is also very dumb. It took a LOT of testing for me to figure out how to play against him better after getting rolled in the early test games. Rock is, by far and in EVERY which way, shape, or form a FAR superior character than Rashotep. He simply kills too fast with POTM. Expect this beast to be rocking faces off everywhere. In fact, in both the main event and the side event, Drew dropped exactly one match total. Consistent, absurd mutilation with some light but effective defense is what it's all about.
We had around 28 people, less than we hoped for but everyone who came was on their a-game, especially ATL and Brad. It would have been nice to get 40+ but we had a lot of folks out at the last second due to financial issues. We all had a blast with smexy parties at J's that involved alcohol, garlic butter wrestling and some card-playing.
I have much more thoughts on the tourney that I'll post to my blog and whatnot later, but it was a serious blast and I think that everyone who made the trip had a great time. Our prize support was awesome, we had a great venue and J was an INCREDIBLE host, not just in terms of running the event but allowing approximately one billion people to stay at his place and have fun. The three trips to Naples this weekend might have killed my car (like literally, murdered it) but man it was sure worth it. I stll can't believe I managed to win this thing by crashing the format hardcore in two weeks, but I suppose everything fell right for me and having a retarded character to run helped a lot; all I had to do was get the mix right and go from there.
The best part is, epic win for me - this dude from Texas decided that the winner of the event will get a paid ticket to Gencon 2010, how amazing is that? Talk about an incentive to come, and I will say now that ATL's (presumed) event will be phenomenal. So, I say with certainity that I WILL see you all at Worlds this year, for sure.
More to come later, including decklists (I have all the sheets except B-Rad's, who posted his deck), tourney reports, and so forth.
...you keep saying Rock. You mean King, right?
Oops, yes I mean King. This is what approximately 6 hours of total sleep in 3 says does to you...
i want to do a report but iam too tired from the gaaahlic butter wrestling and i want to hear what everyone else has to say, i know i had a blast lol
I am very surprised that no Jin made top 8. The Kazuya got 9th, so he was pretty close.
And yeah, King is really ridiculous. Good to see my boy took swiss champ.
I'm a bit surprised the Paul Phoenix wasn't built off of All. Fire is a good built, but in my experiences, All is betta.
Grats to everybody.
congrats Vik. I loved the build and you seemes to execute it perfectly.
Love the Heihachi deck that topped, its very similar to mine, and the concept as a whole is awesome.
King is also dumb, I also run only 8 throws and with the defensive abilities that Earth posseses and the speed that king can pull off his build is very reminicent of old b2 and b3 foundation wars.
Zi Mei and Astrid are no surprise but no Jin is surprising,
Congrats to all the t8.
Well done to Vik. Welcome back.
I do find it annoying that no matter what is done to this game to ensure it is aggressive and involves 'fighting' someone always manages to find a way to slow it down and turn it into a drag. Playing King with 4-8 Attacks just seems counter-intuitive to what he and his support is meant to do (similar to people playing Control/Order Promo Yun-Seong builds). Sure you might win a bit, but by god what a ****** for doing it that way. Ban PotM quick smart to stop that nonsense.
Duckman said:
Well done to Vik. Welcome back.
I do find it annoying that no matter what is done to this game to ensure it is aggressive and involves 'fighting' someone always manages to find a way to slow it down and turn it into a drag. Playing King with 4-8 Attacks just seems counter-intuitive to what he and his support is meant to do (similar to people playing Control/Order Promo Yun-Seong builds). Sure you might win a bit, but by god what a ****** for doing it that way. Ban PotM quick smart to stop that nonsense.
I ran 16 attacks in King. I just ran 8 THROWS. My deck was built to kill you on turn 2-3 like most of the decks in the format. The only matchups where i would go past t3 is against astrid where i was forced to play gray wars until i knew reversal pommel/first rite wouldn't ruin me.
Lol I don't see how im a ******. It was an aggressive deck that had a good defense with the blocks i played and could abuse early spam foundations to stand off attacks if i was on the draw. The deck was by no means gray wars til i kill you dude. In my game against Awaken i killed him turn 2 both games and my finals match in the Sunday tourney was done on turn 2-3 on every game of the set.
Please don't assume that just because its Earth that it is gray wars. I will post a list for it after work.
ShippuJinrai said:
. The deck was by no means gray wars til i kill you dude. In my game against Awaken i killed him turn 2 both games and my finals match in the Sunday tourney was done on turn 2-3 on every game of the set.
Zi Mei has 19 life. Real talk.
ShippuJinrai said:
I run 20, with 12 Throws.
But then my strange unconditional love for DOUBLE FACE KICK forces me to.
Not sure if it's been posted somewhere,but how many folks showed up for this?
If I remember around 30.
And also with all due respect, the majority of games that went past turn 4 were either Ivy plink decks or my Astrid deck, which I built for the long game. If you want to start calling people douches... Call the folks who designed Stand Off, Paid to Protect, and other wall like shenanagins. We are just the players who use the cards.
Thanks and I agree with your statement.
ShippuJinrai said:
Duckman said:
Well done to Vik. Welcome back.
I do find it annoying that no matter what is done to this game to ensure it is aggressive and involves 'fighting' someone always manages to find a way to slow it down and turn it into a drag. Playing King with 4-8 Attacks just seems counter-intuitive to what he and his support is meant to do (similar to people playing Control/Order Promo Yun-Seong builds). Sure you might win a bit, but by god what a ****** for doing it that way. Ban PotM quick smart to stop that nonsense.
I ran 16 attacks in King. I just ran 8 THROWS. My deck was built to kill you on turn 2-3 like most of the decks in the format. The only matchups where i would go past t3 is against astrid where i was forced to play gray wars until i knew reversal pommel/first rite wouldn't ruin me.
Lol I don't see how im a ******. It was an aggressive deck that had a good defense with the blocks i played and could abuse early spam foundations to stand off attacks if i was on the draw. The deck was by no means gray wars til i kill you dude. In my game against Awaken i killed him turn 2 both games and my finals match in the Sunday tourney was done on turn 2-3 on every game of the set.
Please don't assume that just because its Earth that it is gray wars. I will post a list for it after work.
I don't know man. When I think drew, I totally think ******, yo.
When I think Drew, now I think GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHLIC BUTTAH but that is another story entirely...
Hey Congrats Vik!! seriousy well done on the return. it really sucks i couldnt go but real life blows. Good work ATL and DAMMIT BEN WHY DID U FAIL ME!!!
But yeah, on a more serious note, huge congratulations to everyone, especially Vik; I really wish I coulda made it, things just weren't working out for me with ticket costs rising up by the time I got my money in to twice what was the original cost ;(. Nonetheless, I can tell already this is going to be an amazing UFS season, and I definitely look foward to it.
Also, to the ATL peeps, keep on facerapin, glad you're all back; much love <3
I would like to congratulate everyone on an apparently very fun tournament. As a test run for the Pro Tour I think it went very well. Right now we are working on getting our Austin Texas event set up as well as our Rochester NY event. I will keep working for all of you to make UFS greater than it has ever been, and Giving away a few Plane tickets to GenCon should help that. Vik, Congratulations on your victory, and I look forward to seeing you and the rest of the Pro Tour Finalists at GenCon 2010.
Jason Hawronsky
UFS Pro Tour Circuit Head Tournament Organizer
ShippuJinrai said:
Duckman said:
Well done to Vik. Welcome back.
I do find it annoying that no matter what is done to this game to ensure it is aggressive and involves 'fighting' someone always manages to find a way to slow it down and turn it into a drag. Playing King with 4-8 Attacks just seems counter-intuitive to what he and his support is meant to do (similar to people playing Control/Order Promo Yun-Seong builds). Sure you might win a bit, but by god what a ****** for doing it that way. Ban PotM quick smart to stop that nonsense.
I ran 16 attacks in King. I just ran 8 THROWS. My deck was built to kill you on turn 2-3 like most of the decks in the format. The only matchups where i would go past t3 is against astrid where i was forced to play gray wars until i knew reversal pommel/first rite wouldn't ruin me.
Lol I don't see how im a ******. It was an aggressive deck that had a good defense with the blocks i played and could abuse early spam foundations to stand off attacks if i was on the draw. The deck was by no means gray wars til i kill you dude. In my game against Awaken i killed him turn 2 both games and my finals match in the Sunday tourney was done on turn 2-3 on every game of the set.
Please don't assume that just because its Earth that it is gray wars. I will post a list for it after work.
And I mention you by name several times...I see it...oh wait...You see that part where I say running King with 4-8 Attacks makes you a ******? Did you do that? No, therefore not ******.
Mayhaps clarity would be nice when someone said the King deck ran 8 Throws (qualify your statement by mentioning 8 other Attacks). It makes much sense to only run 8 Throws - thus they do not clog your hand.
Also to B-Rad; the guys who designed the game are also the guys who give us much lovliness in the form of aggressive cards and also nuked a rubbish format. They are trying. People who go out of their way to slow down the game to BLLLAAHHHH annoy me. Not people who design card games with the best intentions.
Why can you Americans just ignore me like you used to?
Duckman said:
People who go out of their way to slow down the game to BLLLAAHHHH annoy me. Not people who design card games with the best intentions.
Why can you Americans just ignore me like you used to?
... I don't think there are any people that go out of their way to slow down the game. I think there are plenty of people who go out of their way to build the best deck possible and win with it, which sometimes involves running some defensive cards.
I also believe you meant to say 'why can't you Americans just ignore me like you used to?' ... Sorry, people who don't reread their posts and use the edit button as appropriate thus slowing my read of the forums to BLLLAAHHHH annoy me.
Just kidding bout the last part, they only slightly slow down my read and slightly annoy me.
Seriously though, timely defense belongs in the game and if the players find ways to win while playing fewer attacks and shoring up on their checks then that is what players will do, i.e. anything that gives them a better chance of winning in their eyes.
- dut
Duckman said:
ShippuJinrai said:
Duckman said:
Well done to Vik. Welcome back.
I do find it annoying that no matter what is done to this game to ensure it is aggressive and involves 'fighting' someone always manages to find a way to slow it down and turn it into a drag. Playing King with 4-8 Attacks just seems counter-intuitive to what he and his support is meant to do (similar to people playing Control/Order Promo Yun-Seong builds). Sure you might win a bit, but by god what a ****** for doing it that way. Ban PotM quick smart to stop that nonsense.
I ran 16 attacks in King. I just ran 8 THROWS. My deck was built to kill you on turn 2-3 like most of the decks in the format. The only matchups where i would go past t3 is against astrid where i was forced to play gray wars until i knew reversal pommel/first rite wouldn't ruin me.
Lol I don't see how im a ******. It was an aggressive deck that had a good defense with the blocks i played and could abuse early spam foundations to stand off attacks if i was on the draw. The deck was by no means gray wars til i kill you dude. In my game against Awaken i killed him turn 2 both games and my finals match in the Sunday tourney was done on turn 2-3 on every game of the set.
Please don't assume that just because its Earth that it is gray wars. I will post a list for it after work.
And I mention you by name several times...I see it...oh wait...You see that part where I say running King with 4-8 Attacks makes you a ******? Did you do that? No, therefore not ******.
Mayhaps clarity would be nice when someone said the King deck ran 8 Throws (qualify your statement by mentioning 8 other Attacks). It makes much sense to only run 8 Throws - thus they do not clog your hand.
Also to B-Rad; the guys who designed the game are also the guys who give us much lovliness in the form of aggressive cards and also nuked a rubbish format. They are trying. People who go out of their way to slow down the game to BLLLAAHHHH annoy me. Not people who design card games with the best intentions.
Why can you Americans just ignore me like you used to?
1: I'm very much not an American
2: The key word in your point is also . The same people who gave us blitz cards such as Heiachi, Enraged Golum, and Stand Off, also gave us such stall cards as King, Astrid, Paid to Protect, and Stand Off. So truthfully, you can't give them complete cart blanche in this situation. I'm tired of folks blaiming other players for the way formats are, when 95% of the time it's the designers and playtesters who let all this crap in in the first place.
B-Rad said:
King is stall? News to me. I use stall to close the gap between a possible turn way too **** late kill into a turn 5-6 kill.