Hello From Top 8 at SAS

By Awaken2, in UFS General Discussion

Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....

Drew Maffei - King (Earth) Swiss Champ
Ben "Biznissman" Showmaker - Zei Mei (Fire)
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)
Keenan Meadows - Heihachi (Chaos)
Alex Marco - Paul Phoenix (Fire)
Vik "Garlic Butter" Sareen - James Hata (Fire)
Efrain Costa - Tira (Life)
Aulden Lloyd - Cassandra (Fire)

It has been awesome so far, there were 4 Heihachi decks 1 fire, 1 chaos, 1 earth, and one that was just 20 attacks and 40 characters
3 Jin's none of which made top 8, two Tira's one was off of death the other life, Nina made a showing and did pretty well, all in all its been pretty awesome so far and a great spread of characters, fire seems to be hot...yes pun intended

Iam sure there will be more reports, iam just throwing this one up now...

Oh look, it's a King off of Earth at top 8! And he's the swiss champ!



Mid-tier my ass.

Awaken said:

Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)

First of all, it's either Ketchup or Katsup... And **** you Pen-Wiener.

Lol, it looks like every deck in our play group right now. I cant wait to hear the conclusion of this event.

listen.... there was an algol there and it was awesome.

Jut reading the deck names/ characters, you can actually feel the beatdown coming right at ya

player count? how many peeps you got?

brad is just lucky i am not there to keep him out of top 8 lol. congrads


Awaken said:

Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....

Drew Maffei - King (Earth) Swiss Champ
Ben "Biznissman" Showmaker - Zei Mei (Fire)
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)
Keenan Meadows - Heihachi (Chaos)
Alex Marco - Paul Phoenix (Fire)
Vik "Garlic Butter" Sareen - James Hata (Fire)
Efrain Costa - Tira (Life)
Aulden Lloyd - Cassandra (Fire)

It has been awesome so far, there were 4 Heihachi decks 1 fire, 1 chaos, 1 earth, and one that was just 20 attacks and 40 characters
3 Jin's none of which made top 8, two Tira's one was off of death the other life, Nina made a showing and did pretty well, all in all its been pretty awesome so far and a great spread of characters, fire seems to be hot...yes pun intended

Iam sure there will be more reports, iam just throwing this one up now...

Legitimately Blown Away that a Earth/Death Rashotep and a Chaos Jin/Kazuya arent up there.

Also really inpressed that someone pushed through with Life Tira and While I'm familiar with some of the ways to build her off life, I wonder which form pushed through.

All the Best Fire decks are represented in my opinion and really Tira is the only suprise, no lack of fire decks either, more then 50% is nearly embarassing honestly.

I have some personal opinions about how the top 8 played out, but I'm a little dissappointed with it, there is other symbol/char combinations that can compete with Fire out there and im slightly bothered that some of them didn't make the cut.

But Looking at the top 8 players who are Reppin Fire there is a lot of familiar faces and REALLY skilled players piloting the decks off the best symbol in the format right now, it's hard to argue with that.

failed2k said:

Awaken said:

Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....

Drew Maffei - King (Earth) Swiss Champ
Ben "Biznissman" Showmaker - Zei Mei (Fire)
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)
Keenan Meadows - Heihachi (Chaos)
Alex Marco - Paul Phoenix (Fire)
Vik "Garlic Butter" Sareen - James Hata (Fire)
Efrain Costa - Tira (Life)
Aulden Lloyd - Cassandra (Fire)

It has been awesome so far, there were 4 Heihachi decks 1 fire, 1 chaos, 1 earth, and one that was just 20 attacks and 40 characters
3 Jin's none of which made top 8, two Tira's one was off of death the other life, Nina made a showing and did pretty well, all in all its been pretty awesome so far and a great spread of characters, fire seems to be hot...yes pun intended

Iam sure there will be more reports, iam just throwing this one up now...

Legitimately Blown Away that a Earth/Death Rashotep and a Chaos Jin/Kazuya arent up there.

Also really inpressed that someone pushed through with Life Tira and While I'm familiar with some of the ways to build her off life, I wonder which form pushed through.

All the Best Fire decks are represented in my opinion and really Tira is the only suprise, no lack of fire decks either, more then 50% is nearly embarassing honestly.

I have some personal opinions about how the top 8 played out, but I'm a little dissappointed with it, there is other symbol/char combinations that can compete with Fire out there and im slightly bothered that some of them didn't make the cut.

But Looking at the top 8 players who are Reppin Fire there is a lot of familiar faces and REALLY skilled players piloting the decks off the best symbol in the format right now, it's hard to argue with that.

no one played rashotep. and the winner was Vikplaying fire Hata

I thought Hata was banned from playing in tournaments? :)

Wow, Fire Hata wins eh?

Interesting, I'm sure it makes him happy XD. Sounds good, good tourney all around it seems.

failed2k said:

Awaken said:

Its raining beatdowns here in the top 8, so far....

Drew Maffei - King (Earth) Swiss Champ
Ben "Biznissman" Showmaker - Zei Mei (Fire)
Brad "Canadian Catchup" Penstone - Astrid (Fire)
Keenan Meadows - Heihachi (Chaos)
Alex Marco - Paul Phoenix (Fire)
Vik "Garlic Butter" Sareen - James Hata (Fire)
Efrain Costa - Tira (Life)
Aulden Lloyd - Cassandra (Fire)

It has been awesome so far, there were 4 Heihachi decks 1 fire, 1 chaos, 1 earth, and one that was just 20 attacks and 40 characters
3 Jin's none of which made top 8, two Tira's one was off of death the other life, Nina made a showing and did pretty well, all in all its been pretty awesome so far and a great spread of characters, fire seems to be hot...yes pun intended

Iam sure there will be more reports, iam just throwing this one up now...

Legitimately Blown Away that a Earth/Death Rashotep and a Chaos Jin/Kazuya arent up there.

Also really inpressed that someone pushed through with Life Tira and While I'm familiar with some of the ways to build her off life, I wonder which form pushed through.

All the Best Fire decks are represented in my opinion and really Tira is the only suprise, no lack of fire decks either, more then 50% is nearly embarassing honestly.

I have some personal opinions about how the top 8 played out, but I'm a little dissappointed with it, there is other symbol/char combinations that can compete with Fire out there and im slightly bothered that some of them didn't make the cut.

But Looking at the top 8 players who are Reppin Fire there is a lot of familiar faces and REALLY skilled players piloting the decks off the best symbol in the format right now, it's hard to argue with that.

I got the same opinion here as quoted. Not at all surprised top 3 are King, Astrid, and Zi Mei... As I pretty much said they and Hilde are top tier, but kind of happy that the latter isn't represented up there, just means I can keep playing her with a clear conscious!

Quick congrats to everyone in top 8 and whomever attended (go Brad! even though you are sporting you-know-who).

- dut

ps. I think it was someone who was saying King isn't top tier... Yeah, he is. 100% very much so.

I was the Swissy champ and King player at the tourney.

And according to everyone, i have a very weird build with only 8 throws. Will post later.

Some musings about the tourney:

-The software was cutting people for diversity based on their ******* LAST NAMES!. This is silly so we decided to do some epic to the effect of what UFS should be like. The 2 Heihachis who were in question of getting diversified had a playoff before the top 8. VERY hype and fun game and the crowd was amazing. Everyone seemed to like the idea and will probably remain the established way to do cuts down here in the Souf.

-No Hildes, 3 Astrids, 4 Heihachis, 4 Jins. Yeah the meta was weird as there werent a lot of the presumed powerhouses represented but then again this meta is brand new and a lot of stjuff hasnt been established yet. There were no Bryans either.

- Paid to Protect absolutely NEEDS to be more accessible. Otherwise this season is going to see a ALOT of Cassy and Hata top 8'ing.

-You all know this but Financial Troubles, Stand Off, and POTM are the best cards in the format. Period.

More to come after Today's SAS III!

Yeah it was pretty rough, every deck in T8 was insanely good and I was just fortunate to get good parings and run Hata to the top, I suppose that's a good way to get back into the game! :-)

Here's how it shook out:


King vs. Cassie - 2-0 King
Paul vs. Heihachi - 2-1 Heihachi
Zi Mei vs. Tira - 2-1 Zi Mei
Hata vs. Astrid - 2-0 Hata


King vs. Hata - 2-0 Hata
Zi Mei vs. Heihachi - 2-1 Heihachi


Hata vs. Heihachi - 2-1 Hata

We're not doing teams today, just another singles event that's a bit more casual although some are playing their top decks. I'm abstaining from playing today because the deal was the winner of the main event has to run Samba Christie, and I ain't doing that...decided to run it instead. More later, peace.

Would like to know how the 20 attack/40 character Heihachi fared, 'cuz that's a build that looks like hella lot of fun :D

That particular Heihachi build almost killed me turn 1 twice. Game one he did 17 dmg game two he did 22. I was very lucky to have survived game two before I locked him out. Scary stuff...

Still would like to know the player count for this event?

ShippuJinrai said:

- Paid to Protect absolutely NEEDS to be more accessible. Otherwise this season is going to see a ALOT of Cassy and Hata top 8'ing.

-You all know this but Financial Troubles , Stand Off , and POTM are the best cards in the format. Period.

[in sing-song voice] One of these things is not like the other...

Good **** on winning vik. good **** on topping atl doods.

Was a great time had by all, especially me. My deck just ran out of steam alas, and I'll have a report once I get back into Ontario and into my nice warm bed. 5 hours of sleep in three days is AWESOME!

Good work brad. I figured viks deck would give you problems though... see you when you get back

Congrat Brad, and happy to know you have a good time there...

Congrat Vik for snatching a big one after MIA for a while...

I also want to know how many players entered? Anyway, Congrat for all those been able to attend our 1st Pro-tour.

hey dont be a little girl about running samba, its quite fun but not as much as 8 hand size dhalsim lol. Whats going on vik have been hearing enough about u, u and ur public apology for introducing someone into UFS i commend u on that one. You just came back already wining events, so tell me the truth how was dhalsim meditating training that you were so bezy with lmao........welcome back.

hey dont be a little girl about running samba, its quite fun but not as much as 8 hand size dhalsim lol. Whats going on vik have been hearing enough about u, u and ur public apology for introducing someone into UFS i commend u on that one. You just came back already wining events, so tell me the truth how was dhalsim meditating training that you were so bezy with lmao........welcome back.