Pre-written adventures for F&D

By Intys Rule, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG


I currently have the beta rulebook, the core F&D rulebook, the F&D beginner box, and the F&D GM screen. I was just wondering if there were any other pre-written adventures for F&D?

For those that have ran the adventures from the sources stated above, which one do you think is the best? I've read the beginner box and core rulebook adventures and I think I like the beginner box adventure simply because the whole thing revolves around one location whereas the core rulebook adventure assumes the PCs have their own transport.... and have no guidance with regards to if the PCs had to hire out a starship.

I've not read the follow-on adventures yet (GM screen adventure or the Lure of the Lost) but a quick scan of the GM screen adventure had the PCs going to another planet.... again assuming the PCs have a starship. I want the starship acquisition to be part of an adventure and not a GM hand-waved boon to the PCs, so I guess that's why I'm partial to the beginner box adventure.

I would want to run maybe a few session's worth of pre-written adventures before I branch out into writing my own for my PCs, so any recommendations for future adventures would be very welcome. Specifically, would any of the pre-written adventures for EotE or AoR work for a F&D game? Note that not all my PCs are going to be Jedi (I think 1-3 of them aim to be, but the other 2 are more on other roles) and it seems like there's going to be a mix of melee and ranged PCs.

Thanks in advance for any help!

chronicle of the gatekeeper is coming. it is on the boat.

chronicle of the gatekeeper is coming. it is on the boat.

Perhaps the slowest boat in human history. Are they rowing it over here or just waiting for it to drift on it's own into U.S. waters?