Hey everyone. I'm a longtime RPG player, but I've only GMed a few games before and mostly only from published adventures such as the Jewel of Yavin, but I decided to try and write my own story this time for two reasons: 1. It seems more fun and 2. the game I'm running will be set during the era of the SWTOR video game during the war between the Republic and the Sith Empire so there won't be any official support.
So here's the basic outline of the story I have so far. The PCs have just recently been knighted. They are called before the Council to discuss a matter of some importance. The Council reveals that Jedi Knights across the galaxy are dying. The first was a Master Julian Kor, a master of Battle Mediation, who was killed in a battle in the Illum System resulting in the loss of the Third Fleet. It was originally assumed that the Master was assassinated during the battle, but new evidence has surfaced that points to an even darker threat. The most recent victim, Master Xorne, was a prominent diplomat involved in important negotiations with the Hutt Cartel. A few days Xorne's Padawan reported feeling a disturbance in the Force and went to find her master. When she arrived in his room she felt overwhelmed by fear and saw her Master lying dead in his bed. There were no wounds on him. It was simply as if the life had been stolen from him.
The PCs will then be dispatched to Nar Shadda, to officially take over Master Xorne's role in negotiations, but their true mission is to determine what killed Master Xorne. The PCs will eventually discover that it is a lost form of Sith Sorcery discovered by a high-ranking Sith Lord under the command of Darth Nox,the Dark Councilor responsible for preserving the ancient knowledge of the Sith.
That's what I've got so far. I'd appreciate any critiques or advice on the story or simply running the game in general. Also one more question just occurred to me. When designing major antagonists do you think I'd be better off using the Inquistor system or creating a character using the standard character creation rules?
Edited by Brucewayne