The problem with Force & Destiny.......

By Xander Krane, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG that there's too much awesome ideas to go around.

First is how many choices of races, careers, specializations, starting skills, talents and equipment there are. Then there's the ever present questions of what other races we could be. So far the alternative species have been Mon Calamari, Gungans Iktotchi and Kaminoans. Before any mentions it, Age of Rebellion is on the definitely get list and Mon Calamari rules are there.

If you manage to settle on the character, there's then the ideas of when the story will take place. Fortunately, between 19 BBY and 5 ABY is the broad timescale for my little group, but with the new movies on the horizon, and the Clone Wars making groups of Jedi more likely, it's hardly surprising that "when" is an important factor. There's even Old Republic ideas.

After settling on the characters and time period, you then have the choice of "Canon", "Legends", or doing your own thing. Do you rewrite Star Wars history? Or do you compliment it? Or do you just go crazy and hang both Canon and Legends. I'll confess to sticking to "Canon" only to change what a Kinrath is to make a future adventure more exciting. Then came an idea to change a piece of Canon to suggest that Queen Apailana was only stunned not killed and is being held somewhere.

Being new to roleplaying, it has been an assault to the imagination. The expression "kid in a candy store" has been said a few times.

Even the way to play has seen some wild thinking. Or at least wild to me. I've never been interested in dressing up, but now I'm looking at costumes as it has been suggested we look the part. That in itself has stirred up some interesting discussion.

One thing that is clear though, is that roleplaying in Star Wars is a fun way to spend free time.

Can't wait for Age of Rebellion to add to the experience.


Niggly bits...Apailana's death isn't canon, and nor are kinraths. So you're fine on both accounts, I think, if you are trying to hew close to canon while also adding things to suit your own story.


Niggly bits...Apailana's death isn't canon, and nor are kinraths. So you're fine on both accounts, I think, if you are trying to hew close to canon while also adding things to suit your own story.

I know they're Legends which was why I got away with it; and both don't effect existing Canon in any way by being changed.

My favorite Force and Destiny era is the Legacy era inspired by the Star Wars: Legacy comic series produced by Dark Horse comics. It has something for all 3 lines is a wonderful mix.

Never Enough Awesome! More Books More Books!!!

So awesome every word had to be capitalized.
