Meet the Party , the series that presents an entire party of read-to-play characters for a variety of systems and settings, complete with basic background profiles and party interactions, has now covered the trilogy of FFGSW games with Force And Destiny! A party of Force-users on the run in the dark times of the Empire, these characters are:
Inisa-el-Vandi, a Cerean Sentinel/Artisan with a talent for technology, an equal skill at fixing sentient beings, and an ancient sword of the Jedi in her hand.
Kale Soral , a Human Seeker/Pathfinder, a survivor of the Jedi Order's Exploration Corp who wanders through the wilds and across the stars with his blaster rifle and his animal companion, all to gather and preserve Jedi lore.
Dro Raal , a Kel Dor Mystic/Advisor who campaigns against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire, using his words (and the Force behind them) to chip away at Palpatine's authority.
Inaya Morathi , a Mirialan Guardian/Protector, a believer in the Cosmic Force who see it as her calling to protect others in this dark time, wrapping the Force around her for strength and wielding her pistol and cortosis staff with equal skill.
Need a Force and Destiny character for an upcoming campaign or one-shot? Maybe you need the entire party! Perhaps you're just looking for some inspiration for your own character. Give Meet the Party: Force and Destiny a look, and feel free to voice your comments, questions, and feedback. And keep an eye out: A Knight Level party is in the works!