Central PA Players-Rebels Massing at Sullust 10/3

By kac, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Of course, FFG hasn't decided who's getting the kits yet, but we just wanted you to know that Comic Store West (which had a very successful tournament about a month or so ago) is very interested in putting on this event.

Assuming all goes well, we will post here. Looking forward to seeing you all then.

Awesome! Hopefully you guys get a kit, would love to be in this tournament, and you guys would be the closes to me :D

I've been waiting to hear about this. Badly! I have some potential options out in the Philly/NJ area, but it's just as far and full of tolls that way.

Thanks for the interest, guys! Let's keep our fingers crossed about the kit. The store is apparently all over it.

Stasy, good to hear from you. You did well in our last tournament; this would really be the one to win, no? Kami, you would certainly be welcome, hope to see you there.

I'll be very happy if we get as nice a group of guys as last time, and as good players. We'll see if our training goes to good use!

If you get a kit Ill make the trip up that way again for sure. Hard to pass up a chance to win an ISD

Darth, that would be great. We'll be letting everyone know as soon as we know something, so you can make appropriate plans as early as possible.

I just sent the store owner a message to check if there is any type of confirmation or update regarding the kits. Will be sure to let everyone know as soon as I hear anything.

Should be a great event again either way (worst case scenario we still have the previous OP kit materials that arrived after we played the last tournament).

Thank you all for the support and interest . . .

I do hope this store gets it. I'd also love to find another one within a reasonable drive for Sunday. I never expect to win, but I would like to have fun trying. Especially since I learned quite a bit since I played my last organized gathering.

Hey guys, just wanted to give you the update I promised.

First things first, Comic Store West needs to move the event from Saturday to SUNDAY. Repeat, tournament will be held on Sunday, October 4th.

2nd, there will be a $15 entry fee this time to help cover the cost of the OP kit/prizes (top people get full expansion sets worth up to $50 retail).

3rd, the owner said he should be able to confirm about getting the kit sometime later this coming week. As soon as I hear back from him about this I will let everyone know. Trust me, I am just as excited and anxious as anyone else! :D