What secrets do the black-boxes on the front-page hold?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

From the front-page! What could it be? Could this be a new Diablo game? A classic reprinted like Wiz-war? Or possibly a new Descent expansion?

I am a newbie to this site. What does this mean?


I really like how clicking on the image opens up the same page , but in a new window. That's so helpful.

Presumably it means that FFG is shamelessly attempting to get consumers to pay more attention to them without actually showing us anything worth paying attention to. No doubt they'll be announcing new products in the not-too-distant future, but for a company this size, that's always true.

Most useless advertisement ever.

I think this refers to the gen con new games announcement. They are the correct box sizes that is what you are supposed to get excited about. Interesting though at gen con they said the game would be out before Christmas and now we see “winter 09/10”. I guess I am colored not surprised.

Huh? Do you mean they said there were three additional games for the end of the year but all they revealed was the box sizes? So two Descent-sized games and a descent expansion-sized game? All I can say is that I hope the expansion-size box is a Runebound expansion (that dumps the sci-fi). That, and most useless GenCon announcement ever.

My guess: Gears of War, Panet Steam , and either Descent or Talisman expansion...

Though a Tanhausser expansion might be in there too...


P.S. Really wish it was a Doom expansion :P

Here is one of them...


That was a pretty beefy announcement. I hope the other two are as good. The other big box should be the new edition of Warhammer Quest. The square box should be the next Runebound expansion. Well, that's what I hope anyway.

I guess the small one would be the next Descent (Vanilla) Expansion!

The new Warhammer Quest in the big one? Well, it would be a real antagonist for Descent. Does FFG want a sort of "civil war" between two amazing dungeoncrawl fantasy? I think (and hope) no!

bitva said:

That was a pretty beefy announcement. I hope the other two are as good. The other big box should be the new edition of Warhammer Quest. The square box should be the next Runebound expansion. Well, that's what I hope anyway.

I don't think their is a chance in hell that FFG will release Warhammer Quest.

Games Workshop just released a new edition of Space Hulk. I am pretty sure they will do the same for Warhammer Quest.

Yeah, I'm highly doubtful that ffg would release WHQ. The only Warhammer dungeoncrawl I could see them doing is the original Heroquest (not advanced heroquest), and I don't think that'll happen because I think that Milton Bradley might still have some control over that.

I sure hope that other box is Heroquest. I'd want that more than I'd want WarHammer Quest. Heroquest was great... it just needed more than one page of rules.

I love to see them announce something in the Aliens vs Predator universe. They're a bit short in the Sci-fi terror department.

It won't be Heroquest/Warhammer Quest, they didn't get the rights to make those GW games.

It seems like these are "new" games, so I'd be surprised if it's any of the previously announced expansions (i.e. Sea of Blood, Tanhausser 2.0, Cosmic Incursion, Talisman, etc).

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a new but sort of announced game, like SteamPunk or GearsOfWars.

But then again, it could be a *completely* new game and take us all by surprise (like Runewars :) )


Or, maybe it's a Diablo boardgame, following similar mechanics to Descent? (since Descent really plays like a Diablo game anyways).

It's about time FFG released a Diablo game...


I'd be disappointed if the other two games weren't completely new to us. If we already knew about it, even if in name only, like Gears of War, I'd just be ticked off that they made a big stink about it, what with blacked out boxes with ? on them for weeks. It would have to be a complete, unexpected surprise like Runewars for me to appreciate it.

Diablo would be cool!

Well, 2 of the 3 games were brand new. We'll see what the last one entails (it is a smaller box)...
