As the subject line states, I've come up with what I feel is a great solution for multiplayer Warhammer:Invasion. I've playtested this a bit already and it seems to work very, very well. Basically I got to thinking why most CCGs flop at multiplayer and came up with these reasons:
1. Most MP rules for CCGs only usually focus on adding more players they don't really address adding true multiplayer aspects and the reason for that is simply that many CCGs are 1v1 contests where a player wins the game by defeating his opponent, which then causes that opponent to lose the game and be knocked out of contention. Thus most MP rules are really nothing more than 1v1 duels with multiple opponents in the mix. Gamers are quick to realize that it's not real multiplayer.
2. The other chief reason MP flops is due to the ganging-up issue - frequently in CCG MP, gamers can too easily wipe out a foe - leading to imbalanced matches.
The solution that came to me came courtesy of the long-dead Spellfire CCG which by most fans' accounts had an awesome multiplayer aspect (whether the SP was good is another story). In Spellfire MP, players didn't win by knocking out opponents directly - players won by being the 1st to build 6 realms. So in a multiplayer game of Spellfire, someone would get in the lead only to be attacked and beaten down by their foes BUT (and this is the key aspect), they weren't out of the game, by any means. They would just start rebuilding their realms and champions for another shot at victory all the while attacking and slowing down the new leader. Despite being ganged up on, they couldn't ever really be wiped out and given even a little bit of time, they were able to build back up since no one would waste time attacking them while they were down and out as that would waste an attack that could better be used on the current leader. It worked superbly well and if Spellfire would have just focused on that aspect of its gameplay, it could've survive a bit longer..but I digress.
Here's what I think is the best solution for MP (I say "best" because I truly believe that it is the most viable, simple solution NOT because I'm postulating this idea):
1. In Warhammer:Invasion MP, a player wins by Burning 2 Zones from 2 DIFFERENT players. That way, no one is ever knocked out of the game AND players can slow down the leaders without really wiping them out AND while focusing on their own victories, much like in Spellfire. It doesn't matter if you didn't do the majority of the damage to a Zone, only that you scored the final damage that pushed a Zone into being Burned. This will also have an anticipated fun effect as people worry about doing too much damage but not enough, thus letting an opponent sneak in to nab the victory AND there are a lot of cool cards that people can play to mess with the damage and so forth. It'll really lead to some exciting and fun multiplayer matches.
2. "Ah, but what about the other way to win the game? By running your opponent out of cards?", you might ask? Got it covered - you can ALSO win the game by either: Running 1 opponent out of cards and burning 1 other player's Zone OR by Running 2 opponents out of cards (very difficult, I would imagine). The only tweak this requires is that a player is NOT knocked out of the game if they run out of cards, they can keep playing for the win but they cannot draw any more cards. This also has a cool effect because players will be faced with a sincere dilemma. Do you try to run someone out of cards thus giving them their entire deck at some point, which they can then use against you??
I've already play-tested this to some extent and it seems to really, really work well. Give it a try folks, please, and let me know what you think.