Basic game campaign question.

By DeadlyWhispers2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey everyone. My wife and I are fairly new to this. We bought it a month ago and only have 5 or so games under our belts.

We recently decided to each start a 3 hero campaign. The book says we keep the same characters allowing them to grow and change over several quests. The weird thing is it also says they revert to their original state every new quest. How do they grow and change every game if they always start over. I understand that they get extra money at the start, but then it seems like the OL will just get more and more difficult as he gets extra threat and cards for every level of character. Why do we not get to keep our skills? I understand the treasure and money thing, and resetting the threat.

When I become level 2 characters, the OL will be drawing 3 cards per turn, and getting 6 threat per turn. Since I have to revert to my original setup (3 original skills) this puts me at a MAJOR disadvantage and makes the game nearly impossible now. At level 3 all I get is 550 coins to start, and the OL now gets 5 cards per turn, and 9 threat per turn. That means that in 5 turns, I lose 3 threat, and whatever else since he can now start destroying me from turn 1.

Are we playing this wrong? Do we keep our extra skills? Without them our characters aren't actually growing, they're only changing. Unless we're reading the chart wrong, and the OL only gets the bonus at the START of the game. Can we please get some clarification?

Yeah, the Overlord only gets the extra cards and threat as a starting bonus, not per turn.

Also...I always let the Heros keep the skills they originally drew from the first game. They don't get any extra skills or power dice that they purchased, nor any of the equipment they had. However, same heros with same skills. Does it say to redraw skills somewhere?

If you take it further in your thought process as far as progression and wondering why can't the heros keep more things...etcetc., then please keep in mind that there is a Stand-Alone expansion called "Road to Legend" that has a play-style more akin to that type of thinking.

I know road to legend has that type of hero growth, but we don't have the money for it right now. Mabe we'll play around with the rules then, as they are, a campaign doesn't sound very interesting, more of a tacked on feature.

I think it still makes the ol too overpowered at the start of the game> Since I'm basically a level 1 hero now, with a little extra cash. We'll figure something out.

The levelling system is quite good in this respect. The bonuses don't really overpower the overlord.

One thing that is nice about it is that you keep your hero and skills through which you can get to learn them better and will be able to use them more effectively.

What you can also do if you want, is just give your hero a level. As long as the overlord gets his bonuses too of course. In this way it's sometimes more fun to start the dungeon somewhat better equiped.

And yes, you lose all your equipment, money and extra skills/training tokens at the end of the quest.