In EotE and AoR you do not automatically get +1 Force Rating when joining a new specialization if you already have a Force specialization (which is why Force Rating 3 was the cap in EotE and Aor). In Force & Destiny in the entry for the Consular it doesn't have any language that states that you don't get an automatic Force Point for joining the specialization. Specifically, it says, "The Consular begins with a Force Rating of 1." with no verbiage about not getting the automatic point as it's written in EotE or AoR.
My question is was this intentional or just a typo due to it being a Beta booklet? Is the intention to imply the character gets +1 Force Rating for taking on a Consular specialization or that he doesn't get it if he already has Force Specializations from EotE or AoR?
Thanks mates!